The happy life blueprint
- Written by Eric North aka “The Happiness Warrior”

There was a time in my life when I was very unhappy and felt adrift. For nearly a decade I found myself feeling trapped and alone in an abusive relationship. There were times when we were good together, but I never knew which way the wind would blow, and violence would often erupt. I lived in a cycle of fear, guilt, and shame. Happiness was a feeling that I felt others deserved. My spirit was dark and barely alive in the shadows. Eventually all bad things came to an end and the ugly outcome was predictable.
It sounds so far away when I think of my life in the present. There’s an everlasting sense of gratitude and intention that lights my happiness journey. Happiness has become both a calling and mission.
What if I told you that there’s a blueprint for a happier and more rewarding life? It’s accessible and it’s everywhere. All it takes is a bit of self-awareness, an open heart, and a belief that deep down we deserve happier lives. We might feel programmed at first to feel guilty for needing it. Like it or not, happiness may expose our vulnerable side.
The truth lies within us and will be our savior and our reawakening. It exposes the beauty of our authenticity and the wisdom we’ve learned from our misadventures. It’s a mindset and attitude that can easily become a lifestyle or identity. Happiness can be our very way of life. It’s the catalyst for a renewal and greater purpose, and self-awareness.
As The Happiness Warrior, I believe that everyone deserves to be happy, and that happiness is a basic human right. It’s more than a feeling, happiness is the stuff that makes our lives better. Happiness gives us purpose and connection. In its purest form it comes from within without the need for approval or validation.
Without a doubt happy people are the glue that keeps the world going. They are always welcoming to those in need. They’ve figured out what’s important in life and what they can do without. They share and spread happiness and want others to feel like they belong. They never hesitate to share their joy. Happy people have a blueprint for life that never fails them. Even in the worst of times they choose their attitude and mindset to better their lives. Happy people are happiness warriors who make the most of their lives.
It's important for all of us to realize that happiness is both a feeling and lifestyle choice that gives our lives more purpose and value. It can be harder for some of us due to circumstances and obstacles beyond our control. Be strong of mind and know that our inner spirit is always alive no matter how badly someone else wants to control or destroy it.
Take a look at the list below and take it slow and easy. If anything seems hard, move on to the next and come back when you’re ready. There isn’t any one direction, listen to your intuition or inner voice. Know that everything we need to know comes from within and happiness is only real when it’s self-created. Be curious, create wisdom and approach life with humility. This is how to create a happier life.
1. Question and embrace skepticism. The only way to change the world and raise our vibration is to question established beliefs and ideologies. Critical thinking is the solution to every problem and solution.
2. Freedom is always achievable only when we are able to think for ourselves without influence or systematic control. Establish personal core values and live according to your principles. Know that fear is mostly irrational, and the future is never as we imagined.
3. Adapt a “ready for anything” mindset. Uncertainty is a constant in life. Learn to embrace change and flow with it. We can’t stop what is inevitable and may actually make it worse. Discover hidden lessons in what we can’t avoid.
4. Self-awareness is the ability to see ourselves for who we are and live in our truth. We are more authentic when we understand our nature. When we know our strengths, motivations, and weaknesses. Only then are we able to make better choices and decisions that align with our values.
5. Moderation in all things is the path to happiness. Ostentation and show-off behavior is an obvious sign of insecurity and feelings of insignificance. There’s virtue in holding back a bit and revealing the best parts of who we are. Balance and avoiding extremes lead to a more optimal and sustainable lifestyle.
6. Knowledge is power. The more we know and challenge ourselves to learn the more focused we become, and life mastery is heightened. In these fast-paced and distracting times it can be easy to fall behind and become dependent on others. Engage with diversity and our perception grows. It’ll be easier to adapt to change as the world becomes smaller. Intellectual diversity is the way to a better future.
7. Embrace solitude and feel the pleasure and sense of peace that comes from spending time alone. Only in solitude can we truly know what it feels like to be free.
8. Authenticity is the ability to be true to ourselves and live according to our ideal and core values. Conformity and control are the aims of our corporate masters. Happiness is always brighter when we live by our nature and truths.
9. Know that the smallest things in life can bring us the most joy. We can change our perception and stop moving so fast. It’s amazing how beautiful the dew on the grass appears at sunrise. There’s always something that we can stop and appreciate. The question is why do we feel like we need to move so fast? The ordinary moments in life can bring us much comfort and help us feel stable and balanced. When we are anxious these are the things that help clear our heads.
10. We are all mortal and life can be too short or fragile. I tell myself every day when I wake up that it’s going to be a great day because I know that it could be my last. Time is never wasted when we are able to express gratitude and acceptance.
11. In a world of so much fluff and overblown mediocrity it’s humbleness that people most respect. Each of us has limitations and no one is perfect. Look behind the veils and know that everyone struggles. Empathy and an open mind are the path to a better life and greater happiness. Beware of fools with empty values and promises.
12. Finding our purpose can be challenging and filled with disappointments. It’s the hardest of all of this blueprint for life and the most rewarding. It’s a time to be vulnerable and let our defensive walls fall. Purpose is the foundation of our lives and value. Once we find it our lives have more meaning and excitement. It gives us something to strive for and be curious about. It helps us understand our passions.
As individuals we have the power to choose our mindset and attitude through the good times and the bad. We have choices and messages that often go unseen or heard when we’re unhappy or disturbed. Life Is a game and always a challenge.
The authentic road is the happiest path that will always surprise and delight us. We may be scorned or feared but authentic people have made the choice to be themselves with every fiber of their being. They lead, they enthrall, repel us. It’s undeniable that authentic humans who live in their truth are the building blocks of life and renewal. They are the change we are waiting for, and they offer us another perspective. They have created lives with meaning and purpose. They know that their actions and words have value and never disappear. They have a happy blueprint for life and want to share it.
Tw: EricLNorth1