Ten secrets to greater happiness and mental strength
- Written by Eric North aka “The Happiness Warrior”

I have a dream that one day we will all become warriors for our lives. That we’ll live in the happiness that comes when we understand the feelings of value and purpose that arise when we begin to reveal our innate self-directed powers and motivations. The choice to be our best and find our truth and authenticity. The secrets to mental strength and greater happiness are universal in their intention and reveal themselves when we are truly listening.
As The Happiness Warrior, I believe that all humans deserve to be happy no matter who they are or where they’re from. How we choose to find and accept happiness in our lives is ours alone to consider. No matter how low we might feel or how isolated and lonely, it’s in the attitude and mindset we select that will always be our greatest salvation.
Greater mental strength and clarity come when we believe in our right to find our own path and use our own words in alignment with our core values. A self-created superpower that we are all capable of achieving and living in its wisdom and grace. A knowledge that we can always do better than our last achievement. It’s how we learn and adapt to any new situation. Ready for life however it comes, without living in fear or hesitation.
A reckoning and burst of sanity that comes when we no longer need validation and approval from others. This is where our spirit rises, and we begin to feel more self-confident and self-reliant. When we understand the power and value of our self-guided powers. Living in gratitude and self-awareness. Find ourselves increasingly helping others on their path as we live in greater truth and understanding.
Perhaps the biggest struggle in all of our lives is finding a way to remain happy and content while the world around us feels confused and chaotic. How to appear calm and live in the serenity of the present?
The solution is found in our mental strength and resilience. Our superpowers that guide us on our path. An inalienable belief in the quality of our thoughts and actions that matter the most rather than the summation of our possessions and things. A time when we can stand tall and see ourselves in a new light. No longer living in obedience to the demands of others when we can learn to show up for our lives and reveal ourselves in a new light. When we realize that we don’t need anyone to like us when we are living in our truth. This is how we create lives that are both enviable and admirable. Lives of strength and resilience where happiness abounds.
Too often in life, I see people all around me who are struggling to be seen and heard. They’ve given up and surrendered to the powers that seek to control their minds and decisions. In a world where the structure is still set up to divide and control us. A time in the near future that we need to transform and revise our plans and mission. The basic human right to stand up and show up for our lives and be our inspiration. As humans we’re programmed to never give up, now is the time to be our best and become warriors for our own lives and those around us. Solid in the belief that we deserve to be happy, fulfilled, and content. A self-sustained belief that our lives are worth more than we’ve ever imagined.
Happiness isn’t something that just happens or can be willed into our existence. To be truly happy and create our best lives we must realize that it takes work and self-discipline. Lazy habits, harmful words, and useless activities will drain our creativity and ambition.
Core values are easy to adapt and hold close to hearts when we believe in ourselves and our right to free expression. When we know that those around us can never judge and shame us when we are living in our truth and authenticity.
It’s in our honesty and vulnerability that we will rise and live in a place of higher vibration. Where the frequency of our existence is tangible is our ability to simplify our lives and live with a sense of happiness and intention.
1. When we let go of our need to protect ourselves at all costs and let down our walls we will experience a sense of truth and vulnerability. A place where nothing can hurt or discourage us. Honest and accountable to ourselves and in alignment with our life mission and core values. We are always bigger and more powerful than we see ourselves.
2. Find gratitude in the simple act of waking every day. Life in itself is a miracle when we are able to find gratitude from the moment of consciousness and continue through the day. More choices and opportunities always emerge from an affirmation driven mindset. Say yes to making it a great day and know with a doubt that we can do even better tomorrow!
3. Recognize that criticism is often rooted in projection and personal insecurity. We’ve already won the battle when we are able to see others with clarity of intention and conviction. They will always show us who they are through their words and actions. Who cares what people that we don’t respect or admire think of us? Set an example that will show them a higher standard.
4. Stress is external and caused by our illogical need to validate and make it into something much larger than reality. Nothing that we fear in our irrational thoughts is ever going to happen as we envision. Trust in the universe and breathe. Learn to bend, flow, and never feel the need to surrender.
5. All setbacks’ obstacles are also opportunities for self-discovery and growth. How many times in our lives has a change in direction improved our happiness and outcomes?
6. As terrifying as life can feel at times, there’s always a choice to find happiness no matter how dark our mood and feelings. Choose and search for the light. It's always there waiting. Happy people are always somewhere nearby when our mindset is open and accepting. Start small and feel it grow, the power of time will change everything.
7. Understand our connection with the energy of the universe and our ability to create and join as one. Leave all comfort zones behind and look at the world with wonder and find joy in the smallest of things. Gratitude is the driving force behind all that is good in the world.
8. Learn to live in the present and create an awareness that we are complete and whole as we are. Are imperfections being just illusions and not indicators of who we are within. Everything else in life is a bonus, do we have what we need right now in the present to be happy?
9. We are societally programmed to believe that life must be a struggle and that we are suffering under some sort of imaginary divine plan. The truth is that our strength and character come from within. We have the ability to change our destiny and shape our outcomes when we are self-aware and able to think freely. Worship the spirit within and nourish and care for our bodies with love and respect. There’s no need to accept that life is just fate and happenstance.
10. Move on from the concept to victimhood and never let it enter our thoughts. This is how we recover our spirit, self-esteem, and self-validation. Never let another think that they have power over our authority and autonomy.
In a world where it can feel like so many things are closing in on us we have the power to determine how we understand and perceive the reality of our lives. We can choose to make it a great life, but we have to follow some of the rules that make sense and keep us moving in the right direction. Happiness is more than just a choice but a way of life that keeps us resilient and motivated. Be strong of mind and take action that provides value. Happiness is ours to believe in and no one else can take it from us.