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  • Written by Eric North aka “The Happiness Warrior”

“Choose your intention carefully and then practice holding your consciousness to it, so it becomes the guiding light in your life.” — John Roger

No matter how we choose our path or destination there’s nothing more important than understanding our truth and motivations. The question is always the same, how we can achieve our dreams and desires while pursuing happiness?

As humans we all have a vision of our fantasy lives. The one that we can see ourselves living. The drive to move forward and create what we deserve in our lives. We all want the same things when it comes right down to it. The good feeling that comes when we believe in our right to happiness. When we believe that we can do anything when it comes down to it. The skills that we all possess and often go unused and forgotten. The ability to quiet our minds and think clearly with clarity. The harnessing of our innate self-discipline to give our lives direction and momentum. Knowing that the destination is less important than the journey itself.

Life is full of twists and surprises and the power of intention is there to help keep going and figure more of life out. Intention is pure and unyielding. It creates value in the action it promotes. It’s a life changing mindset when we know we are always capable if we believe in ourselves. Intention is a super-power that is universally inspiring. A warrior-like mindset that will always keep life invigorating and interesting.

As we come to the close of another year it’s important to take a step back, quiet our minds, and think about what gives our life meaning and purpose. Thinking about we’ve accomplished and honestly acknowledging failures and setbacks is the way to create a healthy mindset for the start of the new year.

This is a time when gratitude and forgiveness should be forever established in our minds. Without these truths we will never find our way forward. Constantly disappointed in ourselves and our relationships with others.  Always playing the victim and never the happy winner that we deserve to be.

Intention is a powerful combination of determination and desire that helps us achieve our goals. It’s a strong as we make it and some of us will fail to understand it. Intention is the source of inspiration and momentum. It’s how to achieve our dreams and goals. Intention is a super-power that all humans share. It’s up to us as individuals to tap into and realize it’s promise. The hard truth is that no one else will do it for us. It’s entirely self-created and directed.

As The Happiness Warrior, I have always believed in intention and the purpose that it gives to our lives. Life never moves in straight lines, but intention is how we keep moving in the right direction. It’s a deep self-believe that we are capable and strong. Resilient and forgiving. Able to see our obstacles as challenges that can be overcome. An unyielding spirit that creates our destiny.

Sadly, so many people go through their lives conforming and living for the validation and false praise of others. Having not yet realized that the world is designed to control and suppress their desires and emotions. Allowing others to shame and judge us as if it matters. Relying on the opinions and beliefs people who deep down disrespect us. Lives lived in regret without a scope of understanding.  The opposite of self-actualization and inner happiness.

Living our lives purposeful and connect through happiness is a goal that we can easily achieve with the power of intention. Here are five steps to help us connect and enjoy the inspiration and freedom that comes from intention:

1. Realizing that we are here on purpose and exist for a reason is the first step. We are all made of the same material, and no one is better than anyone else. Our uniqueness is merely a way of expressing ourselves to help us define who we are and connect with others. The objective is to be who we are and express gratitude in our truth and life purpose. It’s up to us as individuals to bring light, love, and peace to the world around us.

2. Create a mindset where all actions have value. Being our best and thinking before reacting is the way to achieve this in a way that has meaning. If our purpose is to create a life we love then we must be willing to add value to our fellow creatures. The most life-affirming way to understand happiness is that we are happiest when we are using our gifts to serve others. Knowing that we what we give is more important than what we receive. The ego is never a friend when we are working intentionally on our lives.

3. Intention is activated and powered by our connection with the universal energy source. When we are connected mentally and physically we can then begin to align with our strengths and inherent abilities. This creates trust in ourselves and let’s allows us to remove worry from our self-created fears and negative emotions. The universe will provide when we let it take over and trust in its wisdom. Not all wishes will materialize but a better path will open. Removing attachments to old beliefs is the way to create a new and better reality.

4. Creating self-esteem and belief building affirmations is an essential reality of the intentional mindset. Without this foundation all dreams will fade away and life will overcome us. Starting each day with a few words aloud that give us meaning is how we create a life of wisdom and clarity. They help us defeat the darkness and find more promise in our lives. Always say them aloud to give them spirit. Words have the power to define to change or destroy us. Use them with love and empathy and live in truth and authenticity. Intention is more than just a state of mind.

5. Know that gratitude is the language of the universe. Never take anything or anyone for granted and be thankful for the clarity of the present. Live in the now and be thankful for everything. Even if we feel our lives our hopeless look for the happiness in others and acknowledge that there is good to be had when we live with an intentional heart. Gratitude has a way of bringing more happiness in our lives through our connection with others. It’s the law of the universe and a feeling that provides a life worth living. Be grateful and never live in regret and the world will someday be kinder.

There’s never been a better time than ever to start living a life filled with gratitude and intention. It’s the way to move forward and raise our vibration. A path for forgiveness and self-acceptance. A gift to ourselves for any reason we need. Intention is a superpower that we deserve and comes from within!

Eric North

IG  @TheHappinessWarrior1

Eric North The Happiness Warrior

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