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  • Written by Eric North aka “The Happiness Warrior”

I’ve always believed that all humans are connected in the present, in the now, and all through the history of time. No matter where we find ourselves at this moment anywhere on earth, each action we take makes a difference in someone else’s life. Everything we do has a resulting output and destination.

A ripple effect is when our systems experience a disturbance that spreads outwards and causes an ever-expanding disturbance that amplifies through the world. This can be a natural occurrence, such as a volcano or tsunami, but the ripples that we experience with the most frequency are caused by human beings. Ripple effects can resonate without limitations and never truly disappear. Even the smallest actions and shortest words can change the world forever.

The truth is that everything we do has meaning and potential value. Actions have consequences and words have spirit and never disappear. Like it or not, we’re here on this earth together and our differences and divisions are only there to tear us apart when we could be more united.

Too much unjustifiable shame, guilt and hate are impairing our potential and hastening our decline. We can see this when our energy resonates in our level of vibration. We can choose to rise, or we choose to ignore the messages that we receive. The energy of the universe is where our spirit connects and guides us. It helps us flow when we can feel it.  It’s where we go when we transition to our demise. It's a positive loop with promises and opportunities that we can choose to bring into our consciousness.  It requires us to have faith in ourselves and live each day to its fullest. It gives us everything to be grateful for. The source of greater meaning, wisdom, and happiness.

Our conscious actions tell us who we are and provide us with greater insight and self-awareness. We have choices in life to walk a gentle path and understand our truths. We can always be better today than yesterday and even better tomorrow. We see truth in our lives and conscious thoughts. We know that every action has a reverberation and value. We tread a gentler path and know that our actions can be rewarding in ways beyond measure.

As The Happiness Warrior, I believe that it’s through our defined set of personal core values that we can create a blueprint for better outcomes in our lives. Core values are personal. intuitive, and embedded in our mindset. They help guide our journey, focus more clearly when making decisions, and provide better opportunities. They are unalterable and inalienable rules that we must live by. They provide courage and give us strength in any situation. It’s how we learn to face life's challenges without flinching. It’s something we can all do for ourselves to find our way through the chaos and live the lives of our intention. It’s how we create the lives we’ve been dreaming about through our own conscientious words and actions. This feeling of Integrity rises. It’s how we live the lives we’ve only dreamed of.

Each choice we make in life will have consequences. Both good and bad. When we adapt a warrior-like mindset of a warrior the choice is always whatever most benefits the common good and not just ourselves. We make decisions that might make our lives more difficult and help others in their struggles.

Life is never fair, but when we understand the impact of our actions we can focus on doing the best we can. As humans we need each other more than ever in these times of so much misinformation and confusion. The world needs more happiness warriors than ever before!


So often in life something that starts with a positive intention can quickly tip and become a burden on society. For example, we can look at the mask culture during the pandemic and prove how quickly a new habit or fear becomes endemic. One day it’s something that’s unusual and the next it becomes a cultural symbol. No one is wrong and no one is correct, it's only a problem when perspective tilts to one of division and fear. One good intention can be someone else’s greatest anxiety. No one is more special than anyone else, ever.

The root of most of our philosophical teachings are based on chaos theory and how we cope with unseen fears and dangers. Life is serious business and so easily extinguished. Is it better to be cautious and timid or live life both fearlessly and bold? Is it better to strike and remove our fears or to wait for others to act? These are questions that we must be ready to ask ourselves in every situation. Reaching this state of consciousness heightens our decision making and tells us the right way to react in any situation. Be ready for anything and never be taken by surprise.

The way towards a more peaceful existence that lessens our pain. More pleasure and happiness from our daily lives. A better future when we know that our actions have meaning. A better life for others because we’re able to see the other side of the story.


In brief, the butterfly theory means that a seemingly small and insignificant action can have a far-reaching effect. On the surface level we can see something relatable in our own lives. One bad and ego-centric decision can have far ranging consequences. Partying too hard and missing work too many times can lead to a loss of income. This loss of income also affects others in our life and lower feelings of self-worth and confidence.

If tiny changes we make have such a big impact then it makes sense that it pays off to pay more attention to life. Be aware and be conscious of all actions and decisions. Understand that words once spoken never disappear. Know that kindness, wisdom, and empathy are all self-enabled superpowers that we can use to create momentum and the change we desire. Life can be much happier and brilliant when we learn to remove our focus from our selfish and egoistic needs.

When we are able to focus our lives in gaining wisdom and happiness we can begin to see the indirect effects of our actions and ways to mitigate the effects. It’s always better to balance our lives with our connection to the energy of the universe and be able to view our lives with more clarity. Self-awareness can feel like a fearsome journey of truth and discovery, but it can also change our journey. It’s how we create magical lives where each challenge and obstacle are a gift that we can learn from and share.

In a world with so much surface division, rage, and volatility there are those of us who know wrong from right. We are warriors for happiness and warriors for all. The people that care beyond their own needs and serve others out of a sense of knowing and wisdom. They are the happiest and know their purpose. They are the helpers that arise to any occasion. They unite rather than divide us and know that their actions have value beyond their scope of view.

The secret to happiness isn’t found in our wealth or list of accomplishments. Happiness is more profound when we know that it comes from being the best that we can be. Helping others through the darkest times with the life-mastery that comes from being tossed around by the astonishing events in our lives.

Life comes down to two things in the end. Memories of the past that make us thoughtful and the people that we love and miss. The dogs that gave us love, the places that we’ve been, and the people that have changed our lives along the way.

I’ve always believed that it’s better to show up for our lives with vigor and tread a gentle path. Show up always and speak the truth without blaming others. Never victims and always capable. We have choices in everything we do. We know that we can make a difference and choose to make our life a magical journey. Each and every human has a purpose and a reason. That’s all we need to know as we search for answers to life.
Eric North

IG  @TheHappinessWarrior1

Eric North The Happiness Warrior

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