Choosing the right path
- Written by Eric North aka “The Happiness Warrior”

Like it or not we live our lives with a lot of unknowns and staggering events that can leave us feeling confused, helpless, fearful, and victimized. Life doesn’t always seem fair, but we can accept our fate and “deal with it” or we can complain and rant without any meaning. When we choose to live in a negative mindset, we make our lives and those around us miserable.
The universe is always there to provide us with choices and answers. We can choose to accept that life is imperfect and that meaning, clarity, and surprisingly even greater levels of happiness than we’ve ever felt can also come from times of discomfort and pain.
We’ve all been through so much in the last couple of years that how we learn to walk through the darkness is how we understand who we’ve become. Our reality is ours to control and the attitude we set is how we move forward and make sense of our lives.
When we live in truth, we know that change is inevitable and the only way to move forward is to see ourselves with a sense of reinvention and discovery. If we look at life as one big adventure, we will never really get lost.
As humans we have choices, and we can choose to live with a sense of purpose and clarity. We can use this mindset to help us navigate through this increasingly complex world. We can become the best versions of ourselves when our consciousness is set for readiness, action, and personal integrity. We can view havoc as a pathway to clearing out old systems, judgements, and paradigms that no longer make sense or help us thrive. We can make our lives better with a mindset of abundance, growth, and happiness when we learn to train our minds to understand that we are not victims of circumstance but travelers on the journey of life!
The great philosopher Aristotle believed that how we choose to live our lives comes down to two separate paths. One is about pleasure and comfort and the other is about finding purpose and meaning. Some may choose a hybrid of both, but one side usually wins, and unhappiness, restlessness, and broken relationships are often the result.
This mindset is based on pleasure, ease, and not intentionally harming others. This is the happy life that most of us believe that we want but it also can cause our lives to be too safe, unproductive, and leave us unprepared for change. Hedonistic people tend to live their lives in the status quo, unquestioning, easily managed, controlled, and manipulated
1. They dislike reading, education, and knowledge, but live for entertainment.
2. They understand the importance of their sensuality for their happiness.
3. They can be more self-indulgent and tend to be less guilty of selfishness.
4. They don’t always follow the rules and tend to take risks.
5. They don’t place a high value on living a respected life and honored life.
People who live in a constant state of pleasure are happy when they’re lives are stress-free and peaceful. They are often immensely affected in times of conflict and upheaval. Change is harder when we’re constantly chasing happiness and good times. The universe has a way of providing balance whether we understand or accept it.
These people believe that life’s hardships give them meaning and enhance their ability to thrive and survive when times get tough. They understand their purpose and are always working towards making their lives have greater purpose and significance. They can easily find happiness, but they find fulfillment in the hard work to get there.
1. They tend to focus on wellbeing and health.
2. They prioritize their families and doing the greater good for all.
3. They practice self-realization and highly value self-awareness
4. They practice a stoic belief set and place an emphasis on logic in decision-making.
Those that seek meaning to their lives often exhibit warrior-like qualities that focus on the best outcome for everyone. They’re able to find great moments of happiness and joy but they appreciate the challenges that life provides. Eudemonic thinkers also seek stability, but they are more pragmatic and empathetic to the creating value for others as well as themselves.
As The Happiness Warrior, I believe there’s a third path which is demonstrated by an unwavering sense of curiosity, discovery, in addition to providing value in their actions.
This approach to life appreciates the variety of experiences and changes of perspective that give us the ability to live in a state of self-awareness and master life’s mysteries. This third option or path is more cerebral and keeps us thinking and constantly evolving. People with this mindset embrace change, live, and think in the present, and are better able to find happiness in even the smallest things. They don’t live in fear, understand who they are, and live in their truth. They’re more easily able to forgive themselves and others. They wake up every day with a positive affirmation and know that they’re in control of their lives and surroundings.
The Third Way is the approach that most closely mirrors my Happiness Warrior Core values that I strive to live by every day. I’ve made a vow to myself to continue this path for the rest of my life and I expect to expand and grow. I believe it’s the path to a higher consciousness that helps me create a disciplined mindset that focuses on self-awareness and raising my vibration and connection to the universal energy source.
The third path is how we take control of our reality to live in a state of intention and momentum. What we believe and what we truly see is how we raise our consciousness to create our reality and live in the knowledge that all is well in the present moment. I believe that the universe will find a way to provide us with the answers we seek, and each step of the path will open before us when we are ready. This gives us more options and choices for our lives. It gives us a chance to write our own story and manifest the lives we’ve always dreamed about!
When we look at the big picture outside of our lives, we know that life is much greater than survival or just getting by. Happiness comes from within when we know ourselves and love who we are. When we focus on learning, caring, and listening to others we can be our best and be the best example for others.
Predicting the future only makes us worry about things that will never happen while being conscious and aware helps us rise and find happiness in these troubling and anxiety filled times that leave many of us feeling emotional and fearful.
When the first few days of the pandemic began, I was just as horrified and confused by the world around me as everyone else. Each day had worse news and more misinformation, and it was hard to tell who was telling the truth or what the truth was. So, I listened to my inner voice and said aloud to myself “the world needs leaders to step up and lead the way”. I felt a strong pulse of energy from the universe and vowed to do my best to make it happen. I’m grateful for how much I earned so much about myself in those early days and began to be a voice for calm and reason.
There are only two ways to look at fear and chaos:
1. Submit to the chaos and feel victimized, angry, and depressed “Life isn’t fair” or
2. Embrace chaos as a beautiful opportunity for clarity, truth, and setting old wrongs things right. New challenges and paths to greater happiness are achieved when we have a “ready for anything mindset
Raising our vibration is the way to wake up every day feeling passionate about life, feeling connected with others, being excited about doing something new, and living up to our potential. When our vibration is high with empathy and peaceful thoughts we can more easily attract and feel more empathy for others. Raising vibration is never complicated or difficult and can start with just a smile to a stranger.
Everything grows and our spirit rises when we give ourselves the permission we need to break from our self-created emotional bonds and be happy with ourselves. The only thing holding most of us back is our ego. Take a deep breath, let go of fear, and flow with the energy of the universe. It will always guide us when we are open and receptive to change:
1. Meditate in any way that feels right and creates a feeling of peace. Sometimes just a few seconds in a stressful situation is enough to get through anything.
2. Incorporate some sort of stretching or yoga. A flexible body is a flexible mind!
3. Practice mindfulness.
4. Clear blockages and release spiritual energy.
5. Spend time in nature, hug a tree or go barefoot.
6. Listen to music, gentle chanting, or drums.
7. Focus on higher quality nutrition and foods. Make the connection between a healthy gut and a healthy mind.
8. Practice kindness, repeatedly.
9. Practice gratitude, repeatedly.
10. Learn to say no and understand the freedom it can provide.
11. Move, dance, or exercise
12. Learn breathing techniques
13. Train your brain to engage in positive thoughts
14. Cultivate high-vibration connections and relationships
Happiness comes in many forms and variations. Some of us can find happiness in even the darkest corners, and others shine when they are noticed and valued for the first time. Raising our vibration, living in authenticity, and developing empathy are the key to living the happier lives that we deserve and aspire to. Each day is a chance to start a new path or chapter in our lives. Everyone can be a Happiness Warrior, and everyone can live their best live with a mindset that life truly can be a magical journey if we choose our path well.
Tw: EricLNorth1