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There are two great days in a person’s life; the day we are born and the day we discover why—William Barclay

Just before the pandemic, I was deeply immersed in reinventing myself by creating a new career in television. Plans were made, dates were set, but almost overnight, everything came to a grinding halt. I had businesses that needed me and told myself my dreams would have to wait. I was a leader by choice and my time and energy was greatly needed by others. At times, the world felt like it was falling apart, and I knew that I had a job to do. Sometimes our dreams are put on hold because “life gets in the way” and our focus needs a temporary reset. I had spent ten years of working non-stop to build businesses that I believed in with all my heart and soul. The businesses that I created helped people to live happier and healthier lives and were more important now than ever. People depended on me, and as a warrior I needed to be there and “show-up”. I told myself that “the world needs leaders to step up, now more than ever”. My purpose as the time was clear and well-defined.

Gradually, I began restructuring and reinventing both of my businesses. Within six months, the hard work began to pay off and we were up and happily working again. We had still had many hurdles, but we learned and adapted and became better for it. There was still a long road to recovery ahead, but I felt stronger and more capable than ever before. At this time of my life, I was mentally prepared and ready for anything but also in the back of my head, my dream was still alive.

During those early months of the pandemic, I relied on network of a like-minded and spiritually enlightened friends as guides and mentors. We supported each other, shared information, gained wisdom, and continually encouraged each other to live our dreams through intention and self-belief.

The world was in crisis and still having trouble coping, but my support system helped me feel stronger and more powerful than ever.

A sense of community can help us make times of crisis an opportunity to become our true selves.  Who cares what anyone thinks about us at times like these? We find our purposes through our adversities, setbacks, and triumphs. Our purpose comes from within!

One weekend I made a quick getaway to Sedona, Arizona. One of my closest friends and spiritual gurus had just moved there and we were going to explore and hike while finding the answers to life’s “Big Questions. Reinvention had been our topic of conversation for months and were both eager to share our intention and make it our reality. This trip was all about finding answers and redefining my new life purpose.  I wanted to do be a voice for good in the world and I knew the universe would provide the answer I was seeking.

Early one morning, we hiked up a mountain and joined a prayer circle high atop the mesa.  The scenery was stunning, the sky was a perfect blue, and the sun had warmed the ancient red stones to a warm glow. I was a novice at meditation and prayer circles, but I was searching for answers and told myself that I was in the right place! Life is an adventure and closed minds never grow!

At first, I found my mind wandering and I had a difficult time connecting with the group. I found myself thinking that I’d rather be hiking the switch-back trail in the background. I told myself that surely a great view would be just as inspiring as a prayer circle that I was uncomfortable and unfamiliar with? Fortunately, the universe had other plans for me, and I found myself being drawn into the chanting of our Native American guide. His gentle soulful sound was soothing and tranquil. I drifted into a peaceful state and connected with the energy that radiated from us. My emotions were heightened with a strong feeling of gratitude and happiness that brought tears to my eyes. I knew that this was where I was supposed to be!

I knew in that moment that I would find the answers that I was seeking and shut the external world out.  Throughout the chanting I was deeply aware of the ancient mountain looming above me and focused on what looked like a window or portal high up on the cliff. I kept my gaze on the window and everything grew silent around me. I felt that the window was going to open and reveal its secrets. For thousands of years other humans had come to this spot to seek wisdom and I almost felt that I could hear their voices. The sun grew brighter, and time seemed to stop, and I heard a strong clear voice in my head, “All Knowledge is Here”. I felt a chill and thought that this is the answer that I was seeking. My purpose was with me all along, I just needed a five hundred-million year-old mountain to tell me!

A few months later, I emerged as the Happiness Warrior with a mission to increase happiness in our world and change the way we see each other through greater empathy and love. If all knowledge comes from within, then The Happiness Warrior is my purposeful intention to become who I am at my very core.

Reinventing ourselves and finding our purpose is not only important for our survival and happiness, but the beginning of self-belief and the power of intention. When we learn who we are and remove the protective barriers in our minds, we can truly begin to know ourselves and love and value who we are as individuals. I believe that a happier life comes from helping others while learning how to help ourselves. This gives us the power to take action to move forward and make discoveries about ourselves. Finding our purpose is finding our truth and rising above our doubts and self-destructive behaviors. Purpose tells us who we are and what we can still do with our lives. Developing a sense of purpose is the way to move forward and create a life with more happiness and gratitude. Purpose is the essence of being human!


One good way to find our purpose is to think about what makes us happy. Purpose usually comes from caring about something other than ourselves. When we feel stuck or depressed, we can think about what gives us a feeling of happiness or passion to understand our purpose:

1. Pets or animals are a comforting escape and can be an example of unconditional love which can inspire passion for taking greater care of ourselves.
2. When we learn to love who we are we gain a greater sense of purpose.
3. Activities, hobbies, or sports can spark our motivation and keep us moving forward in life
4. Art and contemplation
5. Helping others and serving the greater good (Warriors!)
6. Constantly moving through life by learning
7. Taking the complications out of life, less is more and object and things only make us happy for a few moments
8. Taking care of our bodies and making the mind/body connection
9. Our vocation, career, or mission in life.
10. Relationships by constantly examining who we should keep in our lives and who to let go of.


When we have good mental and physical health habits and routines are sense of purpose expands. Our desire to get out of bed in the morning pushes out our complacency and helps us to make healthier life-affirming actions and decisions. This provides a richer life experience with replacing anxiety, sadness, and depression with satisfaction, happiness, and gratitude for life.

Studies show that adults with more purpose live longer and healthier lives with less disease and physical discomfort.  The risk of dying was two times greater over a four-year period among people who lacked purpose compared to those had a sense of purpose. People with purpose live longer than their peers and experience more happy memories with greater psychological well-being.


“To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you life everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting”—ee cummings

It took a journey of 2000 miles to find that my purpose was always with me, but I learned, grew wiser, and treasure the experience. Our purpose is always with us when we learn to believer in our authentic self.  Purpose is something that can be refined, developed, and changed over time. A sense of purpose gives us a life with energy and abundance.

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Eric North The Happiness Warrior

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