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  • Written by Eric North aka “The Happiness Warrior”

I’ve always thought that the people that I most admire are those who’re able to live in a state of resilience and courage. They’re ready for anything and have learned to flow with whatever life bestows upon us.

Those special people who know that as challenging as life can be they have nothing to fear and nothing to hide. They rise again and again while understanding that life is happier when they’ve learned to bend and flow. Each day lived with a keen understanding of their connection with the energy of the universe. They understand their connection with the energy of the universe. Never feeling the impulse to shrink or hide. They react with measure and consider their actions. Never panic, rarely raise their voices. An absolute belief that they are the drivers of their destiny. Absolute in their belief that they are never victims. They know that life is never fair, but their alignment with personal core values and integrity will never fail them. They follow their convictions and listen to their inner voice. True leaders who follow their best instincts and are conscious and deliberate in their words and actions. They live in their truth and offer wisdom.

Flow can be characterized as a mindset where every problem has a solution and hope is never lost. A strong conviction that the worst thing imaginable might never happen. A belief that the true test of character is how we respond to our obstacles and difficulties.

When we learn to flow with life we are always ready for anything. A self-directed mindset of capability and careful consideration. Where wisdom and integrity are the self-directed powers to carry us through any situation.

It's a scientific fact that happier people are more self-directed and know without a doubt that happiness comes from within. Humans doing their best who understand the life-changing moment when we realize that how we help others is how we find the best in ourselves. The ability to find empathy for others in need of forgiveness and visibility. The absolute realization that we never know what anyone else is going through or what they are thinking. An ongoing journey of self-awareness and greater authenticity.

Happier people have learned the power of forgiveness for themselves and others. They’ve allowed themselves to let go of things and ideals that no longer matter. They are resolute in their determination to broaden their perspectives and enhance their spirit. Happier people seek to leave a gentler path through life and strive to heal divisions.

In a world of so much change and hope for a better future, happier people hold the secrets to create renewal and reinvention no matter how bad it might seem.

We all know what it means to suffer, but happier people don’t allow their unhappy times to overrule their present lives. The past is best forgiven and forgotten and the future is never certain. All that matters is how we are right now in the present.

We should never let our dreams or passions rest because of the desires of others. Repressing our true emotions and feelings will always leave us feeling unfulfilled and yearning.

Too often in life most of us allow our internal fears to reflect on our daily interactions. We fear those who act most like ourselves and we avoid introspection and self-awareness. We don’t realize the scope and intent of our actions because we are not being truthful with ourselves. We let old hurts and fears define our present. We have trouble adapting to change and uncertainty. We allow others to anger us and lose our control. Allowing others to take our power and make our decisions. None of this is real and all of it is self-created and can be easily removed from our mindset.

There’s no reason for us to allow others to make our decisions or speak for us. When we learn to actually show up for our lives all of these negative behaviors will begin to fade away and lose their place in our consciousness. We can adopt a new attitude of resilience, forgiveness, and self-love. We can learn to change our behavior and begin to like who we see. We can become happier than we’ve ever dreamed of when we embrace a mindset where we create the life we deserve. 
These are the rules that can change our lives and will help us take control of our destiny:

1.      Expectations are fallacies and sure to disappoint us. Never expect anyone to do or think as we please. This is a great way to let our ego take over and ruin our lives and everyone around us. A way of thinking that creates a cycle of unhappiness. Focus on what we can change and how we think rather than what we think anyone else should do. Everything we need to know is right in front of us.

2.      Always seek knowledge and ask why before making any choices or decisions. There’s always another angle or path. Be wise and observe and make decisions that resonate with internal happiness.

3.      Understand that difficult people are all around us and will always be there to teach us lessons and examples of how not to behave. They can be valuable sources of inspiration to raise our character and awareness.

4.      Learn to dodge negativity and never spend time with people who’re seeking reactions and division. This can be as graceful and charming as we make it, but never let them attach and create havoc in our lives. No when to say no and walk away.

5.      Negativity thrives on negativity. There are always groups of people who will try to draw us into their misery. Stop the chain and break the cycle and others will follow. Happy people are magnetic and create happiness everywhere they go.

6.      Set boundaries, don’t be a martyr, communicate limits, and stick with them. Learn to say no or to let them know when we’re feeling uncomfortable. Understand that no one is worth spending time with if they can’t respect our boundaries. It might feel like there’s a temporary gap, but it will soon be filled with other life-affirming humans. Happy people create more happy people.

7.      Choose battles wisely with an end result that satisfies all parties. True leaders steer the course and get us to the destination. This is a very important lesson that will save us a lot of time and energy.

8.      Be an example and exemplify kindness and self-confidence. This is a quality of a strong-minded leader with warrior-like qualities. The greater good is always the winner in the battle of our egos. Empathy is a very desirable trait that creates trust, loyalty, and goodwill. Never trust anyone who belittles others no matter how important they believe they are.

9.      Realize that not everyone operates on core values and honor. Life is a great game and there will always be cheaters, grifters, and liars. Sometimes it may not seem fair, but we always learn from their actions and outcomes.

10.  Always steer from drama, complaining, and those who disrespect others. This is how we make our experience larger and make their impact smaller. We have the choice to walk away before their poison enters our system.

In the game of life, how we’re able to operate and function depends on the attitude and mindset we select for our journey. A self-actualized mindset where we are all connected; and no one is inherently better than anyone else. We can always find truth in the knowledge that our best quality is our ability to help each other thrive and grow. Learning to bend and flow with the universe is how we make our dreams come true.

Eric North


Eric North The Happiness Warrior

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