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  • Written by Eric North aka “The Happiness Warrior”

In a world that’s so fast moving and confusing, it’s not an uncommon thought to want to hide or give up. To surrender and take the path of least resistance. To give up on our dreams and let others control our thoughts and emotions. It’s the will of the unseen forces that try to control our destiny. There’s always someone waiting in the wings to take our place and drain us of our power. It’s a mindset that will only lead to loneliness and self-destruction.

Sometimes we can mistakenly feel that we are undeserving or unworthy. Feelings that come from within that are totally within our power to disrupt and conquer. A state of mind where know we can fight the darkness and win. Where optimism is embedded in our mindset and serendipity rules. A sense of knowing because we believe it will happen. A positive move forward in the gam of life. The life changing power of optimistic thinking. A way of life where we lead by intention without need for external validation. A warrior-like spirit for adapting to any situation. An attitude that we are always winning no matter our setbacks and defeats. An indomitable life force that inspires others to heed and listen.

I recently watched a movie based on the heroic open water swim that Diana Nyad successfully completed from Cuba to Florida. Already a celebrated Olympic swimmer and media celebrity she felt that she had more to give and experience in life. As a retired professional athlete in her sixties, she sought to recreate the same course through the ocean that she had failed when she three decades younger. One hundred and three miles through cold, unforgiving, shark filled waters. A distance that no other human had ever accomplished. An amazing story for anyone who ever doubts their abilities or listens to anyone who tells us we can’t do something. Know that we are the ultimate decision makers for our lives and no one else. It was optimism as much as courage which drove her to her victory.

As the Happiness Warrior, I have so much respect and humility for those who live their lives with optimism, courage, and dignity. Optimists never give up when presented with a problem. The never surrender and give up on themselves or others as hard as it might be. They stand strong in the darkness when most of us cower and try to hide. They seek to lift others when they are down and in need of help. They embrace life despite its obstacles and challenges. Optimistic people think of solutions and adapt to new situations with ease. They know that they can figure life out and never accept defeat. They are hopeful instead of anxious and use words that empower their thoughts and actions. They know that life is too short to let the good times pass us by and wait for them to happen. With optimism the truth always wins.


There are many scientifically documented studies that optimistic people live longer, happier, and more fulfilled lives. They understand when to retreat to learn and gain knowledge. They know when to move forward with hope and intention. Optimistic people are better are to great change with eagerness. They are rarely afraid to move forward and focus on making good decisions. They are more readily able to understand and gain opportunities. Optimistic people share many of these values and actions:

1. Physical health is number one and they understand that in order to accomplish their goals and objectives they must take care of their physical bodies. Optimistic people tend to eat better, exercised on a regular basis, have better sleep patterns, and are less likely to indulge in overeating or harmful substances such as alcohol.

2. Resilience is the key to maintaining an optimistic mindset. The ability to adapt and come back stronger is a quality that optimistic people share. They are better able to accept current situations and respond with a logical plan of action. They aren’t afraid to move forward and know that the future will take care of itself. Optimists know that bad things might happen to them but know that they will be stronger.

3. Emotional health is always on the mind of an optimistic person. They understand which behaviors and emotions are negative and self-created and work to remove them from their lives. They seek knowledge and understanding. They know that forgiveness is the best path and keep judgement and shame out of their consciousness. Optimism is a gateway to greater self-awareness.

4. Optimistic people have been shown to have less stress and better able to deal with adversity. They know that happiness comes from within and require little external validation. They are at peace with their lives and live in the present.

5. Optimistic people have higher levels of performance and are better able to find purpose for their lives. They are happy in the present and excited about the future. Optimistic people are realistic and know that we can all do better. They make their contribution for the greater good of all, not just themselves.

They know that happiness grows when it’s practiced and demonstrated.

6. Happy people tend to attract other happy people with their energy and optimism. They believe that happiness is a basic human right and seek others to join and commune with them. They create community, help others in need, and lead the way in times of turmoil. They are leaders and warriors for a good cause.

7. Higher vibration and connection with the energy of the universe is found in alignment with optimism.  Helping others connect and grow is part of the process. Optimistic people are united in their mission to make the world a better place.

As The Happiness Warrior, I’ve always felt that my values and beliefs are somewhat genetic. I’m wired to listen, inspire, and help lift others when they need it. I believe in equality for all and know that we can do better. We can listen, learn, and maintain and open mind. We can change our perspective and believe that all things are possible. We can use optimism in every action that we take in our lives. It’s not always a choice to be happy, but optimism can be our way of life!

Eric North

IG  @TheHappinessWarrior1

Eric North The Happiness Warrior

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