Stop the block
- Written by Eric North aka “The Happiness Warrior”
How many times in our lives have we felt stuck, blocked, and frustrated with our situations and ourselves? It’s a common feeling that all humans share at some time or another much to our regret and unhappiness. As The Happiness Warrior, I believe that every human has a purpose and potential and blockages are messages to our spirit to reveal our inner truth. As haunting as they may feel at times, blockages are messages that help us understand ourselves better with greater clarity and forgiveness. They may seem confusing and insurmountable, but all problems have a solution and blockages are just another obstacle that we can learn to conquer.
Blockages can prevent us from thinking calmly and clearly. They can impact both our physical and mental health. They can make us feel like we are verging on insanity. They tell us almost too much about ourselves with cold and hard reality. They are truths that we are hiding and keep us from being happy, at peace, and fulfilled. Perversely, they can make us feel safe and unchallenged. They may make us act out and mask our insecurities with illogical rage and anger. Blockages always keep us from gaining wisdom and self-discovery. They create victimhood and all its life-sucking insanity. Blockages create victims and losers who create more discord and unhappiness. They take up too much space in our minds when we could be at peace in our relationship with our true selves. They prevent us from connecting with the energy of the universe and raising vibration. They cripple our momentum and cause harm in the people we love around us. They lower vibration and keep us from living in authenticity. In essence, blockages are selfish reminders of our self-created insecurities. Failures and killers of our hopes and dreams.
No matter how we classify them, blockages are all based on the same principle of limiting our beliefs. They are illogical and impossible when our mindset is set on authenticity and creating more happiness both in our own lives and the world around us. Unblocking blockages is how we can lead by example and better serve the greater good. It feels good to meet a challenge and come out a winner.
These are the blockage pitfalls that are most common and identifiable. That can only be overcome by willfully changing our mindset and attitude:
1. Need for certainty at all times and fear that we won’t be able to control or predict our future. Certainty is important in the general scheme of things but relying on it will always decrease our choices and opportunities. Leaving our comfort zone and adapting to a “ready for anything” state of being is a much healthier position for living a more fulfilling life.
2. Perfectionism can be both a curse and blessing. It can inspire us to do our greatest work, or it can put us into a state of depression and inertia because we fear our results won’t be perfect. A healthier mental state comes when we have an affirmation for redemption and hope. “Today I did my best, tomorrow I will do better”, is something we can say before going to sleep at night. Try and see how much better this makes us feel about everything in our lives.
3. Self-doubt often creeps into our lives when we are feeling vulnerable or struck with a new situation. It’s a reaction that can keep us from moving forward and living our dreams. It’s always remorseful and cycles through our lives. Belief in who we are is everything we need to have a good life. It comes from within as a natural force without the need for external validation. It’s a joy that comes when we are happy with who we are and true to our core values.
Most of us have hidden powers that we keep suppressed for one reason or another. We can be careful and conscious of hurts from the past when we’ve allowed ourselves to be open and vulnerable. We’ve been scorned by the jealous and envious. It can open our greatest fears to be shunned and feel the shame of judgment from those who are less capable than ourselves.
Too often our inner power threatens our ego which opposes changes and sends us signals to shut up or close down. The ego will try to tell us that this shouldn’t be happening and will do everything in its power to resist growth and change.
Conversely, our spirit and true nature seeks expansion and development as individuals. It’s our inner voice telling us to rise up and find the strength to create our mission. Our powerful inner voice sees threats as opportunities to overcome our problems. It doesn’t regard obstacles as threats to the ego. This is the key to revealing our dormant powers.
During challenging times, it's important to consider the influence of our ego. It only wants us to stay safe, secure, and survive. We all have choices in life and letting go of the ego is one of the most life affirming and spiritual. How can we ever know what we can do if we cringe in fear and live in a state of immobility? Understanding the ego is the key to expanding our lives.
It’s believing in our spirit or soul that’s the remedy for controlling and harnessing our ego. Know when too far much is too far and too is too much. Our spirit waits patiently for us to receive its messages and blessings. Always listen and heed our inner voice. We can train our thoughts to be rational and discern the truth. We can use it to guide us more gently through life.
Too often we run through life at a breakneck pace without stopping to pick up the parts of us we left aside. We forget to look at the smaller things in life that make us happy and work to achieve greater goals and glory. It can be a lonely road and one that exudes success and confidence. Deep down we can find ourselves feeling detached and lonely from our self-created demands and achievements.
The key to being successful and happy is found in our connection both to the energy of the universe and the people in our lives that we touch with our feelings, thoughts, and words. Without others our victories are always hollow with a sense of fragility. It’s only when we find connection that we find that we can ground ourselves in a new reality. A place where we have empathy and understanding. Where we can forgive and lift others. When we feel at home with ourselves and our authenticity.
Though our circumstances can vary greatly, we are all on a journey of figuring out our lives. Some reach it quickly with wisdom and grace. Others experience many obstacles and difficulties and learn and grow through their pain. As humans we experience fears and personal doubt in similar ways. This commonality helps us to unite and heal our divisions. Empathy is something that grows with experience. Without it, we will feel separated and more unhappy.
Our attractiveness to others is found in our ability to display our vulnerability. When our heart is open to the universe, love will always be the end result. It’s almost mathematical in the nature of the equation.
I always cringe when I hear the words “I should” or “I should have”. Nothing weighs us down and burdens us than words of regret that never happened. No matter how much we plan or think we know the answers most of the events of our lives are beyond our control. It’s how we handle these events and happenings that define our very way of living and moving forward. This is the magic that comes when we begin to unblock the barriers in our consciousness. Each one more ridiculous than the other. It’s glorious when we let go and let them fall.
Life has a way of teaching us lessons and what we see today may change our perspective tomorrow. Each day is a chance to be better than the last and our blockages prevent us from realizing our full potential. Life is equally about happiness as much as it’s about pain. Trust in the experience to provide its teachings. Next time will be better and inner powers will be heightened.
As conscious beings, we are all born with innate abilities that have been suppressed by the dictates of society and civilization. It’s the discovery of who we are that breaks these barriers and help us to become our best creation. Once we cross this line our spirit will soar, and anything can seem possible. We become actualized and authentic and want to share our gifts with others. Only then can we begin to understand and realize the value of inner peace. The ability to steer our lives in a more positive direction. The chance to make a difference in more than just our own lives. It’s only when we remove our personal blockages that we can be better humans united. It’s the healing of the divisions that have created so much pain and sorrow. Blockages are only in our imagination and it’s time to live in our hidden truths. In a time of so much turmoil it’s up to each of us to find our compass and heal our great societal divisions.
A flexible mind is a healthy mind!
Eric North
IG @TheHappinessWarrior1