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  • Written by Eric North aka “The Happiness Warrior”

If the last few chaotic and crisis filled years have taught us anything, it is that we need to be prepared any time to adapt and change. Like it or not everything we once knew has moved on and now is the perfect opportunity to make new rules for our lives.

It’s time to reconnect with our inner voice and learn to live by our personal core values. It’s time to change the way we play the game of life. It’s time to say no to what doesn’t matter and know what to leave behind.

We are happiest when we live in the present and are satisfied with our lives.

As The Happiness Warrior, it’s always helped me to think of my life as a great game that’s mine alone to define and play. A good game is never easy, challenges and roadblocks are there to humble and teach us. Life is easier when our mindset is set to solving our problems and valuing the wisdom and lessons that they provide.

I’ve defined my life as a series of adventures which have closely aligned with my subconscious identity and authenticity. I’ve rarely chosen the easy path and have faced many perils and hardships as well many incredible experiences and moments of great joy. Each happening, both the good and the bad, was a magical lesson to learn and do better.


Self-discipline is an innate trait in all humans, everyone is capable of doing something to make their lives better in even the smallest way. Nothing happens in life unless we use what we have and learn that the best of us comes from within. Each small improvement builds on itself and creates momentum.

Nothing in life is supposed to be easy but the attitude and belief in ourselves that we project will create the lives that we deserve and dream about. One small step becomes a bigger step. Believe in yourself and take charge of your destiny. It’s that easy!

Set your compass on being your best and use your experiences to gain wisdom and transform your life into a magical journey. Look back and marvel at your audacity with wonder and gratitude for being your true self. Most of all know that life has a way of revealing its path when we are open to all that it has to offer both the good and bad. Choices and opportunities are often a reflection of how we feel about ourselves.

Earlier in my life I went through a cycle of abusive relationships. It altered my spirit and made me feel unhappy and increasingly lonely and unfulfilled. My vibration was low and felt that I had no future. I was good at hiding my feelings, but deep down I only knew fear and shame.

After I broke free, I spent a period in deep reflection. It was a lonely time, but I got to know myself once again and I realized that I was supposed to be happy. Until then, my energy had been consumed with remorse and anger. They were my constant companions.

It happened rather quickly almost as if the past had never happened. I became incredibly happy and began to pull myself together and figured out who I was. I knew that I had a mission in life and set out to make the world happier. I vowed to leave a path of change in my walk through life.

Life gives us choices and I chose the path of happiness and fulfillment. I found my purpose in the wreckage of my past and was able to move forward in body, spirit, and mind. A true warrior cares about the common good of all and I created my purpose and intention. I tuned up my life for the service of others and I found my long-suppressed powers!


Each night before bed I sit in my darkened room on the edge of the bed, and I reflect on the past day and focus my intention on the next day ahead.

I think about what I did well, acknowledge any errors in words or judgment, and focus on never repeating the same mistakes again.

I learn and feel gratitude from the moments of joy and know with a sense of duty that I am happy and want others to feel good about their lives.

I say my problems and worries aloud and make them smaller.

I use logic to create a sense of peace and feel myself centered and in the present.

This is how I’ve learned to sleep well, by being truthful with myself. It’s the formula for being happy and one that I can’t live without.


One of my Happiness Warrior Core Values is the need to practice self-awareness in everything I do. When I see myself in my truth and authenticity I’m able to enable my mindset and attitude to create the path I seek in life. There’s nothing more meaningful that gives us more purpose than when we are honest with ourselves. When we stop living our lives for the approval of others we can truly see our own gifts and abilities. This is how we rise.


In our fast paced and information clogged lives, we tend to take things for granted and lose our sense of empathy and self-awareness. Routine becomes drudgery when it feels like we are trapped. It’s a cycle that consumes so many of us and one that’s our choice to accept. The remedy is found within--the attitude that we set ourselves ignites the spark that inspires our journey.

Find beauty in every moment and connect with the sparks of joy that we find throughout our days. It’s easier to leap from each happy moment into another happy moment when we can see and feel the energy in our lives.

Gratitude is the perfect way to create authenticity and peace. Hug a tree, marvel at the sunrise, or go for a walk and allow yourself to dream.


There are many of us out there who feel like we’re drifting, unattached and living in a state of semi-consciousness. We believe there’s safety in our apathy and are tricked into fearing the unknown.

The antidote is to be fully engaged with life and living in the present. All that truly matters is happening now and in the moment. Life becomes more tethered to our consciousness and our purpose increases when we are living in the present. Happiness comes when we are engaged and learning everything that’s being unveiled to us.

Wherever you find yourself in whatever circumstances, remember that there’s a reason why you are there in that place right now. There’s no use fighting reality, use your intuition and feel and see the clues to your life that are all around you. Everything that we need to know comes from our intuition and ability to feel the connection to the energy of the universe. There’s a lesson in everything that we can use for our betterment.

As The Happiness Warrior I believe that living in the present is the essential building block for a happier life. We can be prepared for everything when we learn to stop our racing thoughts and center ourselves on the present.


I’ve always had a brain that thinks very fast and when the starting gun is fired I’ve already planned my next moves and focused on the destination. This has been both a blessing and a curse and too often I’ve thought I’ve known the outcome before I stopped to listen. It was something I needed to work on, and I knew that I needed to truly listen and hear another’s truth. Listening and hearing another’s point of view is how we learn and gain wisdom. Nothing gains our respect more than listening to the truths of others.


Every moment in life is an opportunity to learn a lesson. Life experiences are the most valuable part of who we are. Everything we do matters.

Take some time out to reflect and come to a better understanding of who you are. It's a way to tune up our thinking and look at our lives from different perspectives. It encourages us to value what makes our lives great and focus on what we still need to accomplish. Atonement is the ultimate honesty that gives us so much gratitude. Happiness is only elusive when we are dishonest with ourselves.

As the end of another tumultuous year comes to an end, the best thing we can do is invest in ourselves and believe in our right to be happy and live our authentic lives.

Be your best in one thing that you do well and keep that feeling going. When we’re truly at our best we are always our happiest and most fulfilled. Gratitude for who we are is like betting on ourselves to win!

Eric North The Happiness Warrior

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