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  • Written by Eric North aka “The Happiness Warrior”

When the pandemic began I felt a great shift in my consciousness and way thinking. Life had changed drastically for all of us, and I was determined to help. The world needed more happiness, and I was determined to help raise our spirit and vibration. As The Happiness Warrior, I’ve always a duty to be prepared for change and naturally rose to the challenge. The future was unclear, but my Core Values were something I held close to guide me. Now more than ever the world needed leaders and I was determined in my spirit and intention.

The previous year, leading up to the pandemic had been one of my most exciting and expansive times in my life. I had never been happier. I traveled and learned new ways to live and think. I created many opportunities for myself and others. I felt the power that comes with connecting with like-minded people and the strength of my intention. I had finally felt that I had created the life of my dreams. At times it felt like a magical journey of my own creation.

Suddenly, everything stopped and almost overnight we were disconnected and broken. Fear had taken over our consciousness, our leadership was confused and ineffective, and many of us had succumbed to the darkness without a hope to be seen. The world had changed almost overnight and many of us were unprepared and felt forsaken and left behind.

My mindset has never accounted for failure or fear, and I refused to let this time go unchallenged. I’ve always been a warrior at heart and a warrior’s resolve and fortitude is something I hold sacred. The greater good of all is a mission to take to my grave. The pandemic was a great challenge, but also a time for us to rise and reinvent ourselves and our way of living.

In any time of crisis, the world needs new leaders to emerge to step up and lead the way. I began to make my voice heard more clearly and reached out to help others. I started to write essays, posted videos every day on social media, and encouraged everyone to find their path to remake their lives for the better. It was a time to hold our values close and use them to find a way to create more inner happiness and peace with who we are.

Our darkest fears might never happen, but I knew the world needed more empathy and understanding. We needed to see the other side beyond the darkness and use our consciousness to guide the way to a better future.

The world had shut down, people stopped trusting one another, and we became increasingly frustrated and at odds with everything we once knew. We were panicking, making wild statements, and lured by false conspiracies. Hope seemed like something for a time that might never come. Happiness was an afterthought and almost forgotten. Even in the darkest times, there is always a light, and new paradigms of thought and behaviors were emerging.


As entrepreneur and employer, I felt a great weight of responsibility and need for careful thought and action. I told myself that I needed to be my best at everything I do and focus my intention on the greater good. I needed to manage my life at a higher level than ever before.

I spent many days and hours revitalizing and reimaging my businesses and set a new course with a new plan. I took action and created momentum and used the quiet time to take care of my body and mind.  I vowed to go a little harder while taking care of myself from every angle; body, spirit, and mind.. I believe that being our best is how we can thrive in any situation and every day is a chance to do better. This was my blueprint for happiness and one that I will always hold sacred for the purpose and direction in life.

As The Happiness Warrior, I’ve always believed that life gives us choices and means to adapt. Life is never easy for anyone but when we believe in ourselves and listen to our inner voice we can set ourselves on a happier path with more gratitude and fulfillment along the way. When we are consciously being our best we can overcome almost anything!


The first step to believing in ourselves is to give ourselves permission to be our authentic being. As easy as that sounds, we've been conditioned to conform and adapt to others’ expectations that need to be examined. This usually starts in childhood and can be repeated over and over again through life. Often, the only thing we need is to give ourselves permission to be happy and think about what makes us great. Everyone has something special and unique but too often we hide the best parts of ourselves for fear of judgment or shame from others.

Being true to ourselves is the greatest gift we can give to the world and ourselves. Authenticity creates greater honesty, fulfillment, and happiness. Authenticity is the greatest gift that we can give ourselves!

- Stop faking it, everyone else might not notice but we will always know the truth.

- False confidence will always lure us down the wrong path.

- It’s okay to let fear break you down in order to rise and conquer.

- Test yourself and create experiences. Experiences create wisdom.

- Teach yourself and help others with your knowledge and wisdom.

When we are confident in ourselves we radiate positive energy and raise our vibration. We can rise and we connect with others who raise our spirit and happiness. We regain our sense of purpose and fulfillment.


At one time or another most of us have been guilty of comparing ourselves to others. We question our inner voice and start to wonder if we’re good enough. We begin to doubt our own abilities.

This is usually caused by triggers and fears of our making. It can drag us down and keep us from feeling fulfilled and happy. These are self-created insecurities based on presumptions and inaccurate perceptions.

Be grateful for what makes you unique and watch your spirit rise. When we commit ourselves to gratitude our self-created fears disappear. We become the best versions of ourselves:

-- Understand the freedom that comes when we think with our own brains and not rely on others to make our choices or determine our destiny.

-- We never know what anyone else is really thinking. Challenge yourself to remove this frustration from your mindset. No one cares if you don’t care.

— Being our best means that we know we’re consistent and look at the big picture. Short-term rewards are fleeting and have no meaning. What can we do right now to make our lives better?

-- Learn to be happy while alone in your own thoughts and intentions. External factors are never as meaningful as our inner voice and gratitude.

-- Real self-validation comes from within. Know that your value is never determined by others’ perceptions.


All humans have choices, some may have more options than others, but we all have some determination in defining our attitude and mindset. When life gets hard, these are often the only tools that any of us have that belong to us entirely. Suffering is a condition that is defined and experienced solely by our mindset. When we realize that we have choices we can better understand what we can control:

1.    Happiness comes from within. It is a choice as much as it is a responsibility.

2.    Stop overthinking everything. Learn to live in the present.

3.    Adapt a “less is more” attitude. Stop overexplaining everything to everyone!

4.    There’s no shortcut to fulfillment or happiness, always give everything your best and the best will result.

5.    Self-awareness is everything we need to know about ourselves. Stop fearing the truth and find your happiness in the light. Truth is a holistic way to heal and grow.

6.    Understand that your path has choices. Learn to trust your inner-voice and go forth with peace of mind and momentum. The next choice will always appear when we’re ready for it.

7.    Keep your promises and take responsibility for your words and actions. A vow is a promise to yourself.

8.    Authenticity is our superpower. Learn to love your true self and show up for your life. Good things will happen!

9.    Learn to bend and flow with the universe, we can’t always win, but we can always keep our vows to ourself.

10.  Adapt an attitude that each day we can do better than last. Take it to a higher level and make it a daily affirmation.

11.  Laugh and look for others who are happy. Happiness is contagious and a friendly smile from a stranger can change someone’s day.


When we are able to understand the mind/body connection and the importance that it has in our lives we can begin to change our outlook and scope of our vision. Being our best at anything takes self-discipline and commitment. Are you ready to change or are you letting fear take over your consciousness? The world is always changing and we being our best helps us adapt and thrive at anything.

-- Be careful with your words and refrain from overreacting. This will create respect from others and lead us to better choices and greater opportunities.

-- Words have spirit, choose words that give you the advantage but don’t use words that hurt or punish.

-- Know that not speaking up for yourself will be something you will always regret. Today is the day you stand up for yourself. Make sure your opinion and voice are heard by showing up for yourself and being your best advocate.

-- Stand tall, head forward, and chin up. Breathe through your nose and exhale slowly from your mouth. If it feels like it’s too much, take two semi-deep breaths for 1-2 seconds. Hold and control your exhale. Repeat if necessary but one time should be enough to clear your head and steel your resolve.

Sometimes the hardest battle of all is to stand up for what we believe. Tell yourself every night that you did your best this day and that you will be even better tomorrow!

Eric North The Happiness Warrior

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