

  • Written by Eric North aka “The Happiness Warrior”

Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It cannot be any other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics
—Albert Einstein

Understanding how important our vibrations are is the difference between living an ordinary existence or a life of greatness. As Albert Einstein once said, “we are all energy in human form”. Each of us is a living energy field. Our bodies are composed of atoms and matter. All life vibrates, all things vibrate, and even our thoughts and emotions have their own unique vibration and frequencies

A few years ago, I began a conscious journey to find my true purpose and raise my vibration. I was incredibly happy to be alive as a survivor of a long-term abusive relationship and was grateful to be alive. In just ten years I had rebuilt a great life from nothing and had become a successful leader, entrepreneur, husband, and family man. Life was good, but I wasn’t as happy as I knew I could be.

Deep in my subconsciousness, I knew I there was more to life, and I knew that I had to do more. My mindset has always focused on leadership and helping others live better lives and I wanted to make a difference. There were people around me who were struggling to find happiness and needed a voice to help them find their way. 

I realized my mission, and my mindset became focused on creating more happiness and greater self-empowerment. I believe that happiness is our natural state, and the world needs more happiness. I found the sense purpose that I’d been seeking! Knowing the truth that helping others is a sure way to raise our vibration.

On this journey, I had many adventures and met incredible people with whom I connected that changed my life in powerful ways. I saw natural wonders and moments of great beauty that brought tears to my eyes.  My creativity was heightened, and I learned the awesome and life-affirming power of intuition and intention. Nothing of value is ever easy to obtain and I had my share of hard lessons and setbacks. I let nothing stop me and kept moving forward on my quest to be a better human, and purposefully raise my energy and vibration.

Like a moth to flame, I’m always attracted to people who radiate good energy. I can both see and feel the good things they do with their lives with respect, admiration, and connection. They have a purpose and personal mission to do good and are always able to find reasons to be happy. These are my friends, teachers, guides, and inspiration. They are always quick to smile and show kindness in their words and actions. These people live in a high vibrational state!


As you think you vibrate. As you vibrate, you attract  —Abraham Hicks

We all have a great sense of control over the direction that our lives will take. We can wallow in shame, disappointment, and/or victimhood or we can rise-up and take action to raise our vibration.  When we feel good about ourselves, good things happen, and we become happier. When our vibrations are high and connected with the universe, we have unlimited power to change the course of our lives and realize our dreams. Raising our vibrations gives us the ability to wake up every day with a feeling of great happiness, and excitement for the day ahead!

When vibrating objects or beings come in close contact with each other they will eventually begin vibrating at the same frequency. This is the theory of “synchronized vibrations” when things are in resonance with each other. Synchronized vibrations are not only at the heart of human consciousness but our physical reality. All things in the universe are constantly in motion and vibrating. Even objects that appear to be stationary are vibrating, oscillating, and/or resonating, at various frequencies. Resonance is a type of motion, characterized by oscillation between two states. All matter is composed of vibrations of various energy fields.

As the Happiness Warrior, I believe that everything is connected through our energy and vibration. Our thoughts, words, and actions can be carefully chosen to raise our vibrations and lift our spirit. When we tend to our spirit and live our lives truthfully, our vibrations rise, and we create the reality we deserve and desire.


1. Practice gratitude: Gratitude is the antidote to anger. We can’t feel anger when we’re practicing gratitude. Gratitude lets us know that life has much more to give us and be thoughtful for.

2. Love vibrates on high: When we live in a more loving state our vibrations rise and we live in a happier state of mind.

3. Be generous in spirit and actions: We can give money, smiles, love, and attention. Generosity is the opposite of selfishness and increases empathy and our ability to love. Generosity creates more abundance!

4. Breathing and meditation: When we train ourselves to be present, we can be more truthful with ourselves. Meditation and breathing with mindfulness help us create a more peaceful state of mind.

5. Forgiveness:  Blaming and shaming others is a sure way to lower vibrations. Take a close look in the mirror and practice self-awareness. Self-awareness is a window to the soul.

6. Nutrition: Eat nutrient-dense foods with an intuitive mindset. What are you doing today? What kind of energy do you need? Food should have a purpose. Overeating and making bad choices lowers vibration and wellness.

7. Mindset is everything: Stop falling into self-defeating traps of negative energy and emotions. Verbalizing the word “stop”, is powerful!

8. Eliminate toxins: Smoking, alcohol, processed food, and unnecessary prescription drugs are vibration killers.

9. Words have spirit: Everything we say and think creates a connection and lives forever. Words never disappear!

10. Learn something new every day, listen to music, and read books. Keeping a journal is a good way to practice self-awareness and create more personal discipline.

11. Go for a walk! Nature is important, hug a tree, say hello or good morning with a smile.

12. Eliminate toxic relationships…family or friends that no longer fit need to go.  Focus on people who lift us up and raise our collective vibrational energy


If you are to raise your vibration, you need to be totally honest with yourself, let go of fear, and accept the change that comes into your life --Maitreya

When we learn to raise our vibration, certain people, places, and things no longer resonate with us. It can feel unsettling at first and make us feel out of place or lonely. It can be a difficult task at first, but soon greater feelings of authenticity, self-worth, and happiness come and liberate us from the forces of darkness.

When we choose to raise our vibration, we become the example and part of the solution. It can take a high level of commitment and personal discipline, but the rewards are great. We may lose some friends and relationships along the way, but what we gain in our personal growth and happiness is well worth it!

People with high vibration are naturally happy and able to handle life’s difficulties and experience joy in even the hardest times.

The higher the frequency of our energy and vibration, the lighter we feel in our physical, emotional, and mental bodies. When living life at higher frequency, we can experience greater self-mastery, clarity, peace, love, and community. When our bodies are at peace our minds connect with our spirit. When we raise our vibration and care for our spirit, we can live the lives we’ve only dreamed about. 

Good vibrations come from within!

IG @TheHappinessWarrior1
Tw: EricLNorth1

Eric North The Happiness Warrior

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