

  • Written by Eric North aka “The Happiness Warrior”

One of the surest ways to feeling greater happiness every day is to make the connection between physical and mental health. We can never be happy unless we’re happy in our physical selves no matter our circumstances. Making the mind/body connection is an important factor in waking up every day at peace with ourselves.

Aging is part of life and how we treat our body is related to how we feel about ourselves.  Fitness and exercise are the tools we can use to help us improve and care for ourselves as we age. When we maintain fitness throughout our lives, we can choose to be the exception and hold ourselves accountable. People who strive to be exceptional demonstrate that their lives have merit regardless of their age. These people become our guides and sources of inspiration. Fitness helps us to make the mind-body connection and understand that mindset is tied to our physical well-being, mental acuity, and performance.

Throughout my life, taking care of my body has always been my refuge in both times of stress and times of celebration. Exercise has always been a personal tool for creating momentum and living more authentically. When I’m feeling great, I know that I can do anything that I set my mind to. Even today, when my energy is too high or I’m feeling a bit low, I hit the weights, go for a run, or take my bike on a hilly ride. Fitness and taking care of my body is my inspiration and guide through the journey of life.

I strive to live by example and much of my life is devoted to encouraging others to find this transformative power within themselves. I’ve extended this philosophy into my entrepreneurial career and with both of my businesses. Helping people to live better and feel better in their physical bodies. This keeps me centered and continually focused on helping others to thrive, be happy, and proud of their achievements. Encouraging others to take better care of themselves feeds my spirit and gives me purpose while continuously caring for my physical self.

When I was a kid, I was a terrible athlete. Nothing came naturally. I’d fumble, or miss the ball. It caused me to be shy and I spent a lot of time on my own. I would play most days with the kids in my neighborhood, but always lacked the seemingly innate athletic skill of most of my friends. I didn’t have anyone that I felt comfortable enough to ask or teach me, and I began to find ways to avoid sports and playing on teams. My greatest fear was disappointing everyone if I caused us to lose the game.

I turned to books and long runs in the woods where no one would see me. By the age of fifteen I could run for miles. My heart and lungs were strong, but I was too skinny and wanted badly to change.

One day in my early teens, a friend of Father came over and gifted me with his old weight set. He was someone I’d known all my life and had noticed my struggles and wanted to help. When I look back now, it was an act of kindness that forever changed my life. Learning to lift weights gave me a new start and life became more exciting and happier. I began to feel comfortable in my body and realize it’s power.

It wasn’t much of a weight set, but I set up the rickety bench in the center of my bedroom and got to work. I bought books with pictures and set out to learn. I began to fully understand the self-discipline needed to transform myself. Sometimes I would work so hard that I would even vomit or feel sick. I kept on going and began to see results. I’ll never forget the first day that I saw the outline of my pectorals and biceps. Life was good!

That Summer I went for a run every morning and lifted every afternoon. My body soon began to change from a boy to a man. While I didn’t realize it then, I taught myself many lessons that would stay with me for life. That Summer, I was happier with myself than I had ever been.

When we can raise the bar for ourselves, we can be so much more. Fitness is much more than activity or a hobby. How we take care of ourselves is the gateway to a happier, more rewarding life with happier outcomes.

As The Happiness Warrior I have a defined set of core values. All five are equally important but fitness and checking in with my body and how I feel, is consistent and sacred throughout my day:

     Happiness Warrior Core Value #1: Take care of your body as if your life depends on it.

Exercise, rest, and nutrition are the heart of my life and are reflected on how I care for those around me. When we all live together in health and fitness, we are more united and feel a part of something greater than us. In these times when we want it all without making the effort, we will be sadly disappointed unless we take care of the magnificent vessel that carries us through our day. Our healthy bodies are a gift that many of us take for granted much to our misfortune and remorse.

Being healthy and the pursuit of a balanced and optimal life fuels my passion for fitness and healthy living. It’s my whole-hearted belief that how we take care of ourselves is the difference between living an ordinary life or an extraordinary life. We have one body. How we care for it is up to us. We can make a choice to get up in the morning and feel alive and ready for anything with a sense of happiness and adventure.

According to studies, people who work out even once a week or for as little as 10 minutes a day tend to be more cheerful than those who never exercise. And any type of exercise may be helpful, as long as it gets us started!

Regular exercise is a product of self-respect and self-discipline. The better we take care of ourselves, the more we learn to love and appreciate who we are. It’s always easy to be happier when we feel well. The benefits and mindset changes go together with the increase in self-esteem that physical exercise does for us. This is how we create the mindset to understand the mind-body connection.

The idea that moving can affect our moods is not new. People feel happier, less cranky, and more relaxed after a jog or visit to the gym. Researchers have found again and again that getting more exercise is linked to increased happiness and feelings of well-being.

As the Happiness Warrior, I believe that regular exercise and the way we understand that exercise has a huge impact on our happiness in general. People who are more active tend to have more discipline in their lives, eat healthier, socialize more, and display the better mental health that comes from developing healthy routines and daily exercise.


Up until my late forties, I used to think that leading a stressful life was part of what it takes to lead a successful life. I had left the corporate career world of working for other people and felt that being an on-the-go entrepreneur was in my blood. During this time, I worked out hard, ran daily, and even competed in a few bodybuilding shows. I looked amazing, but underneath I was sore and finding it harder to sleep and harder to relax. I was quietly falling apart and fooled myself into thinking that I was superhuman and unable to fall. By the time I was 48 my normally happy and productive self was tired and worn out. The classic signs of a “stressed-out high-achiever”. I was losing my drive and needed help. I had my hormones checked and soon began testosterone therapy. Once my hormones were optimized and balanced my life changed dramatically and life had renewed purpose.


Let’s not overlook the importance of stretching and flexibility in our daily lives. When we are more flexible, we live in less pain and are more in touch with our bodies. Flexibility is the key to removing stress and negative emotions. Stretching is a release from our mental and physical stress. A flexible body is a flexible mind!

I stretch every day as part of my morning routine. I use a basic hip opening routine, stretch my torso, do push-ups, and practice deep breathing techniques. This is an energizing and life-affirming way to set the day up for success and happiness. No matter how stressful the day ahead might be, I’m ready!

I believe that good posture is also essential to living a better and happier life. When we hold our heads up and believe in who we are, we can make anything possible. With good posture we “show-up” for ourselves and make our dreams true. When we project our good energy and use good posture, we can lift ourselves and rise above life’s obstacles and detractors.

As the old saying goes “a healthy body is a healthy mind”. Fitness is different for everyone, find something that you love doing that makes you more alive and have fun, laugh, and be happy!

IG @TheHappinessWarrior1
Tw: EricLNorth1

Eric North The Happiness Warrior

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