

  • Written by Metropolitan Digital

We hear a lot of about mindfulness these days, but how can we use mindfulness in our everyday lives to become more connected and happier?

Mindfulness is the process of becoming the most the most truthful version of ourselves in both our conscious and subconscious thoughts and actions. Mindfulness comes from within and is independent of external sources. Mindfulness sets our compass on our journey through life.

Mindfulness is something we all can draw on and make a part of our lives. We don’t need to think alike and can have our differences, but mindfulness is a more peaceful way to accommodate the thoughts and feelings of others without compromising personal beliefs and values. Mindfulness can help us think, change our feelings, and improve our personal relationship with ourselves and everyone around us.

Someone who has a clear perspective of the present and allows themselves to acknowledge their current thoughts, feelings, and emotions is mindful. Recognizing change as a part of life while being present in our own bodies and thoughts is mindful. Someone who is mindful is more prepared to adapt and move forward in a state of confidence and gratitude.

Mindfulness is about becoming more aware of the effects of our thoughts and actions in the world at large, in our communities, and our personal relationships. It’s about self-mastery and the personal growth that comes from understanding ourselves.

When we can reach a higher state of mindfulness, we’re better able to create our authentic selves and live in the present. Without fear and ready for anything that life presents. We can have better relationships and be more forgiving of others with different beliefs and values.

When we are more mindful our empathy for others increases. This helps us to be more respectful of differences in opinion and outlook. Mindfulness is the gateway to forgiveness and tolerance.


As The Happiness Warrior, I find my passion and motivation in the power of intention that’s created when we believe in ourselves. When we are mindful, we find that growth comes when we learn to be happy with who we are and understand our true nature. So much of the trouble and chaos in the world comes from insecurity and fear of measuring up to others. We live in a shame-based society where control of others’ thoughts and voices is the norm. We don’t want to hear what makes us uncomfortable even though it can help us move forward and feel happier. Mindfulness gives us truth. Fortunately, mindfulness is a way of staying connected and understanding the needs of others.

We can practice mindfulness anytime and anywhere. I rely on a system of deep breathing to clear my head and focus when I find myself in a difficult situation. Mindfulness helps me to form clear strategies for effective problem solving, makes me a better leader, and creates more balance in my life. When we practice mindfulness, we’re better able to trust ourselves to make choices that can change our lives and help us live our dreams.


In our busy fast-paced lives it can feel overwhelming and even confusing when we take the time to slow down and force ourselves to think about our actions. When we think about what we’re doing and how it impacts our outlook and feelings of happiness we can gain more clarity. Life happens too fast and often we overlook the important stuff in our race to the finish line. The reality is that our intention in the present determines our future outcomes. We can go deeper by applying the theory of Quantum Physics which says that our outcomes are determined by our mindset and belief in the power of intention. This is a very important tool for creating a flourishing life with self-mastery and greater happiness.

* Focus on heightening of all five senses in both mundane and extraordinary circumstances. Something as simple as brushing our teeth activates all five senses, hearing, sight, smell, touch, and taste.

* Incorporate meditation into your daily life. There are many types of meditative practices but start with the easiest and most effective.

* Making mindful habits part of your day. Try to stop your mind from wandering and engage with a simple repetitive task, walking outdoors is a great way to be more mindful and focus on the beauty in our surroundings.

* Set aside time for conscious breathing. I do mine first thing in the morning with an ease hip-opening stretching routine.

* Establish a healthy morning routine.

* Acknowledge times when we feel strong emotions.

* Avoid the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) trap. Instead of rushing off to the next scheduled event try asking yourself is there’s something else you’d rather do. Feelings of pressure are self-induced and never the reality that we’re feeling anxious about. Living in the present is the way to be more at peace with ourselves and make more life-affirming decisions.


Meditation is somewhat different from mindfulness. Meditation is about removing thoughts and worries and concentrating on our inner being.  Mindful meditation focuses on paying attention to the present moment and feelings. To practice mindful meditation, focus on breathing on what you feel in the moment, inhale deeply and release slowly to process stress and feelings of anxiety. Mindfulness meditation is based on quieting the mind and focusing on how we feel at that moment. We can be mindful when doing other repetitive tasks such as walking, eating, or sitting in the sun.

Meditation can help us increase mindfulness in ways that benefit others as well as ourselves. It’s about becoming more aware of the effect of our thoughts and actions in the world at large, in our communities, and our personal relationships. Mindfulness meditation can help us create self-mastery and the personal growth that comes from understanding ourselves.


When we are mindful, we are more able to care for ourselves and become aligned with our values and true nature. Mindfulness teaches us to be more at peace with ourselves and focus on what’s important in life with less distractions and self-created doubt. Finding balance can bring us more happiness and joy throughout our days. When we are more mindful, we find that we have more options and make better choices that impact both ourselves and others. Mindfulness creates better leaders and more warriors to help us in times of chaos and stress.

1. Create a healthy morning routine and make it a daily habit. Don’t give up; it can take up to three weeks to establish a good habit.

2. Create a healthy, happy, and nurturing environment. Seek out other happy people and connect with their radiant energy.

3. Remember that the people in our lives reflect who we are. We are the company that we keep.

4. Words and thoughts have spirit and never go away.

5. Pursue acts of kindness that inspire, spready joy, and express gratitude.

6. Don’t be afraid to confront fears. Try confronting them directly and saying them aloud. This helps to compartmentalize and remove from these negative thoughts.

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Eric North The Happiness Warrior

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