5 New Years Resolutions that will Bring You More Success & Cash
- Written by King Ashley Ann

My name is Ashley Ann, I’m a public speaker, I’m an award-winning luxury event designer, more importantly to you guys I am a Biz Builder and I want to give you guys strategies as we enter the New Year. Everyone is always asking me how I get all this stuff done and how I keep my stress levels down when running multiple businesses. Honestly, it took me years to figure out how to balance all that I was doing. I went three years without taking a vacation, not buying myself anything, or taking quality time to spend with family and friends. It wasn’t until I experienced burnout that I knew I needed to change my lifestyle for the sake of my life and my business. So let’s get into these strategies!
If it’s not Working, Drop It!
Don’t get mad when I say this but if it’s not working, drop it! Again, if it ain’t working, let that thing go! I’m talking about all areas. If it’s anger, drop it. If it’s a relationship that’s not working, drop it. If it’s a product that you’re trying to push and customers are not responding, drop it. If you're married and the relationship is struggling, you’re going to need to do some self-reflection and drop your bad habits. We don't want to get into the blame game, we want to look at our actions because it's the only thing we can control. You have to let go of behaviors, habits, and people that are not serving you. Those situations are hindering success in your personal and business life. One will inevitably spill into the other. You need to sit down, have an assessment and really evaluate the things that are working and the things that are not. The goal is to change your perception and your energy. You need to figure it out and you need to drop it so that you can create space in your life for things to flourish. When you're ready for change, you have the ability and the permission to co-create with God, the life that you want. That said, you can attract anything to yourself. If you continue to hold onto things that don't serve you, you will not have room to receive the blessings that are there for your highest good and highest benefit.
Schedule Time for Yourself
Schedule time on your calendar just for yourself. Schedule it like a meeting. Some people don't have an issue taking time for themselves, but if you’re a worker bee like me you always want to get things done, you want to provide the best experience, the best service. You are going to have to schedule your alone time like you schedule a meeting and block off this time. People often ask how do I keep up the schedule I do. It’s because I take time out for myself. I will schedule a massage during the week, or I’ll take a hike to clear my mind or lounge around reading a book. During this time you take no phone calls, texts, emails, or do anything pertaining to work. If you do not take this time you will experience burnout. Once a week block off this time and be strict about it. Set boundaries with yourself and others. Stand firm. People are going to do what you allow them to do. They are going to try and push the boundary and you always have habitual line crossers. Condition yourself not to be in work mode all the time. You are going to miss all the wonderful things that are happening around you. You’re going to look up and life has passed you by. For example, you may have done a great job at being successful, but you have no relationships, your mental health is deteriorating and your health is failing. Schedule time for yourself so you can continue to build a healthy prosperous life.
Educate Yourself
You have got to, got to, got to, educate yourself once a quarter. The success and longevity of your business depend on your ability to integrate new information into your business. Once a quarter you should be reading a book, going to conferences, conventions, signing up for a program or webinar. You should try to learn new systems and techniques and how you can apply them to your business. You can learn from people in other industries. Some of the most amazing tactics I’ve learned are from people in completely unrelated industries. Educate yourself, regularly. Once a quarter is only a minimum, I know we lead busy lives, but you are going to have to make time, so at least once a year you are engaging in some new learning.
Create A Weekly Action Plan
You need to create a weekly action plan based on your business. You are creating a miniature business plan, a little roadmap for how you will accomplish your business goals for the next week. Every week you need to start with a list. On Sunday write down the major things you want to accomplish during the week. On Monday you are going to break down the top three tasks you want to get done for the day so be intentional. You are creating this plan so you are not stressed out, burnt out, and overwhelmed. Having this plan keeps you focused on the task at hand instead of dabbling in everything and completing nothing. Write it all down. Create a plan that you can execute and be mindful with your time and energy. A lot of you are one-man shows so you need to make sure you’re putting your efforts into activities that are going to give you maximum results. Let me give you an example of my weekly action plan. On Sunday I write ten tasks that I want to accomplish for the week. On Monday I take three tasks that I want to complete that day. For example, if I have an upcoming webinar on Monday I am going to update slides, create a new product page with tiered options and I need to contact ten people so I can arrange shout-outs or do an ad. Tuesday’s task would be planning content and products that correlate with the webinar, planning broadcasts to support the webinar and creating a posting schedule for supporting content. I repeat this each day until my ten tasks are complete. Your business depends on you being able to define and execute what needs to be done.
Join A Business Organization or Networking Group
It is no secret that I love the local chamber and Business Network International. I was a part of the North Little Rock Chamber of Commerce and the BNI and within the first 12 months, I had a 40% increase in my business. They did wonders for my business! Join a business organization or networking group, especially one that offers exclusivity. When I say exclusivity I mean you are the only person in the group in that particular profession. For example, there is only one luxury event designer, one realtor, one lawyer, one caterer, one doctor, one dentist, etc. You don't want to go into a group with a bunch of other competitors. Small groups of about ten work well, with no more than sixty members. Networking is super powerful. Imagine a group of 10 people. Each of these ten people knows ten people that you don’t know. At any given time they can hear of an opportunity and refer you as a good fit. Each person in the group is a walking, talking billboard for one another and you bring each other new opportunities. A simple concept that works amazingly well. There are tons of people who will give you an opportunity because their friend endorsed you. They’ll be like “ “Hey this is Ashley and she is fabulous at what she does. Let her help you put together a social media campaign and run your ads.” That person will say okay because they trust Sally Sue and Sally Sue just told them that you're amazing.
If you are ready to take your life and business to the next level try these strategies. Implement them one by one and you will start to notice a change in your life and business. Remember your resolutions will only work if you put in the time and effort. Don’t just make some big ol’ list of resolutions. Focus on the top three things that you want to change within the year and break them down using these steps. Give yourself some time to grow and you will see major changes in your productivity and organization for the New Year.
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