Nutrition after weight loss workout
- Written by News Company

Some fitness maniacs advise you to train on an empty stomach, while others say that eating after exercise for weight loss is not necessary at all. Say, the body will use fat during this period as energy. It would be nice of course, but the body will not take energy from fat stores until it has another, more convenient source of energy - our muscles. For muscle repair, you can also use protein bars as a protein source.
If you build a diet for weight loss according to the method of “hungry fainting”, it will be impossible to lose weight. To force the body to use fats as fuel, it is necessary:
If desired, fat burners can be added to this list. But really working tools for weight loss carries a health risk, and safe supplements such as L-carnitine are ineffective. Therefore, you need to concentrate on nutrition during classes in the gym and on the workouts themselves. And again, a small plot on this subject
Nutrition after training for weight loss
Eating after a fat-burning workout is necessary, but wisely. Minimum carbohydrates and fats, maximum protein, both fast and slow. As in the case of nutrition for weight gain, this can be done with the help of sports supplements or natural products.
1.5-2 hours after training, you can eat 6-7 egg whites with a salad of vegetables, boiled fish (cod, carp, Pollock, hake), boiled, stewed or baked poultry.
Fat burning, as well as muscle growth, occurs at night. The task of losing weight is to protect muscles at night and start the process of lipolysis (fat burning). A portion of low-fat cottage cheese, eaten before bedtime will provide the muscles with nutrients and will not allow the metabolism to slow down.
Note 1: fatty foods slow down the breakdown of protein and carbohydrates in the stomach. Therefore, the foods consumed after exercise in the gym should be as low-fat as possible.
Note 2: the main problem of any weight loss diet is the feeling of hunger that occurs when switching to it from a normal diet. The same salads from vegetables rich in fiber will help to cope with hunger. The coarse dietary fiber contained in them fills the stomach and reduces appetite. Fiber-rich vegetables: beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, salads, cabbage. You could even add a sprinkle of hempseeds from somewhere like the Gold Bee Online Store onto your salad for an extra boost of fiber, protein, Omega-fatty acids and amino acids.
WORKOUT NUTRITION: Tips for losing weight
Exercising regularly at home or in the gym, the question inevitably arises of nutrition before and after training. What, when and how much can you eat after class to lose weight and make the body slim?
First of all, you need to know that you will lose weight only if you spend more calories daily than you consume. If you observe this main principle of losing weight, you will lose weight, even if you do not follow the rules that are before and after training. However, a competent approach to the question of food after class will help you optimize the process of getting rid of fat and creating a beautiful body.
Nutrition before exercise
So, for a start, we will analyze what is before the training. In many ways, this will depend on when you practice.
1. If you exercise in the morning on an empty stomach
Exercising on an empty stomach in the morning is one of the most popular ways to burn extra fat, although coaches around the world still argue about the effectiveness of this method of losing weight. Adherents of the theory of training on an empty stomach argue that at this time, glycogen stores in the liver are minimal, which means that your body will draw energy from your fat and, accordingly, “destroy” it. Opponents of this theory say that the training time does not affect the reduction of body fat, but you can easily burn muscles in the morning, which accordingly will distance you from a beautifully toned body.
In which cases training on an empty stomach is not recommended?
If you are doing strength training for muscle growth
If you are engaged in high-intensity training
If you have a hard time transferring your workouts to an empty stomach, you feel dizzy and weak.
Running in the morning: benefits and effectiveness
2. If you exercise in the morning after a snack
What kind of food before exercise to choose if there is no way to deal with an empty stomach? For example, in the case of intensive training or due to the lack of physical health for classes without food. In this case, get yourself a light carbohydrate snack 30-45 minutes before your workout. It can be coffee with banana, bread with a slice of cheese or cereal bars (this should be a small portion of food, about 100 g). In this case, you will have energy and strength in the classroom. You can even drink a glass of kefir or milk if that’s enough for you to practice.
3. If you work out in the morning after breakfast, in the afternoon or in the evening
In other cases, complex carbohydrates are considered the optimal diet before exercise. Eat buckwheat, rice, durum wheat pasta or oatmeal 1.5-2 hours before class if you work out after breakfast. If you can’t eat before training, then again, the carbohydrate snack mentioned in the previous paragraph will save you. But it is advisable to plan your day so that before the class you have a full meal with complex carbohydrates.
One more nutritional tip before a workout: Do not eat pure protein foods before class. This will not give you energy, and you will not be able to engage in full force.
What cannot be eaten after training?
First, avoid fatty foods (including fatty milk and fatty cottage cheese). Fat prevents the absorption of nutrients in the blood, so it is advisable to eat only low-fat foods after exercise. Secondly, you should not use foods containing caffeine after exercise, which interferes with the use of protein for muscle recovery.
By following these simple nutrition tips before and after your workout, you will improve the productivity of your classes and take one more step towards meeting your dream body.
There are no trifles in the battle for the perfect figure. Eating before and after a workout is not a set of random snacks, but a clear eating pattern based on scientific research. Of course, physical activity is in the first place, but a well-built diet during classes in the gym accelerates the achievement of this goal many times over. Do not be lazy to count calories and think through the daily menu in advance. Eat properly, build muscle, burn fat