How Do you Trim Hedges with Thick Branches?
- Written by Digital 360

You may know that trees need to be taken care of by watering them, fertilizing, and mulching. However, keeping your trees healthy and looking great is more than this. How often do you trim your trees? Do you call professionals or you do it yourself? As a homeowner, you know the difference between properly pruned trees and badly pruned trees. Trees require pruning and trimming from time to time to enhance their landscape. If you are trimming small trees, you can easily do it without needing the help of professionals. However, you can call Trav’s trees hedge trimming for the large branches and large pruning. This does not mean that you can’t do it alone. It is possible as long as you have the skills and a reliable guide. If you want to trim those large hedges, continue reading to know how to go about it.
Before you Start Trimming
If your tree has small and lightweight branches, you can trim it without much effort. However, be cautious when trimming the hedges with thick branches. Make sure you have the right tools for trimming hedges. A hedge is a linear row of shrubs planted together such that they are attached. There are formal hedges and informal hedges.
So, before you start, you must know that pruning tools are different from trimming tools. For hedge trimming, you need the large shears of a powered trimmer. These will help you to get the even cuts to keep your hedges neat. After you have assembled the right tool, it's time to get to work. Here are the tips.
Use the shears to remove some parts of the old stems so that enough light and air are penetrating the interior.
If you see long stems penetrating from the ground and out of the hedge, cut them out and make sure the cut is closer to the ground.
If a stem has branched into two branches, find the Y-section and cut it just above this section
Hand pruners will be perfect for the thin branches
Keep cutting down the old stems and leave the new ones to grow.
Remove a third of the thick branches to give room for younger ones to grow.
Make sure you put enough fertilizer until the next time.
The Rule of the Thumb!
Always use hand pruners to remove the branch tips. It keeps the hedges tidy and promotes bud production. Make sure you trim the hedges properly to allow enough light and air to penetrate. Also, remember that hedges look better when wide at the bottom part and narrower on the top. If you don't trim them for a long time, they tend to become wider at the top since this is the part that gets the most sunlight. So, keep the hedges narrow at the top.
In Conclusion!
Getting a hedge that is neat and well-shaped requires skills. You can hire professionals to do the trimming for you or learn how to do it per4fectly. Either way, your hedges must grow well and remain in good shape. Trim your hedges from time to time. It will remove the overgrowing shrubs that hinder the penetration of air and light into the inside parts. If you want your hedges to keep growing, never leave them untrimmed. Keep shaping them until they reach your desired dimension.