
Miami Charity Celebrates 10 Years of Local and Global Grantmaking as It Welcomes Submissions Beginning Tomorrow

MIAMI, FL … The 2024 Eyes On Your Mission (EOYM) video grant, a competitive annual application process for nonprofits seeking professional pro bono and matching video production services, tomorrow opens this year’s program to applicants. From May 16 through July 18, nonprofits anywhere in the world are invited to apply for the 2024 video grant at https://eyesonyourmission.org/video-grants.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the EOYM video grant program, which enables nonprofits to create a marketing/fundraising documentary designed with expert input to enhance visibility of their mission in order to further it. Eyes On Your Mission, a Miami-based 501(c)(3) organization, teaches nonprofits to excel in digital storytelling, enabling them to showcase their accomplishments to potential funders, partners, sponsors, volunteers, and board members. Every year, judges choose between three to five nonprofits who could best leverage an investment in visual communications.

Since its inception, the video grant has employed more than 100 creative freelancers, donated three million frequent flier miles, and contributed over one million dollars in video production services to 35 nonprofits around the world. Some projects are fully funded by EOYM, while some are 50/50 matched and co-funded. Shoot locations have included Miami, Japan, and Brazil. Grantees have ranged from large NGOs like UN Women to local South Florida nonprofits like the Lotus House Shelter.

“Securing a video grant from Eyes On Your Mission equips nonprofits with high-quality documentary video that vividly illustrates the powerful impact they have on their communities,” said Jessica Kizorek, founder of EYOM. “We welcome any nonprofit, no matter how big or small, to apply for our grant, and look forward to working with the grant winners to craft their narratives in a video format and ultimately advance their cause.”

This enhanced digital presence directly supports fundraising efforts for the participating nonprofits by emotionally engaging viewers and inspiring them to contribute their time and resources. “While our estimated donation for each local project is approximately $20,000, the long-term value of this particular gift can be worth millions of dollars in funds raised directly from people who see the video,” explained Mike Firmature, EOYM’s chairman of the Board of Directors.

Last year's grantees who benefitted from EOYM's support include the Network For Teaching Entrepreneurship, Cristo Rey Miami High School, Carrie Meek Foundation, Boys and Girls Club of Martin County, and the EOD Warrior Foundation (first project using artificial intelligence to generate video content). These organizations represent a spectrum of causes, from education and entrepreneurship to shelter and support services. Keith "Fletch" Fletcher, CEO of the Boys and Girls Club of Martin County, praised the initiative, stating, "The team from Eyes On Your Mission and Two Parrot Productions has raised the bar when it comes to our video marketing effort. They are talented as it gets from a nonprofit storytelling perspective.”

About Eyes On Your Mission

The Eyes On Your Mission Project is a Miami-based 501c3, founded by entrepreneur Jessica Kizorek, that serves nonprofits, students and industry professionals at the intersection of video production, media and social change.

With a focus on youth living in marginalized and underserved communities, the Eyes On Your Mission Project partners with funders who prioritize access to education, professional development, entrepreneurial exposure, arts programs, creative industry growth, interdisciplinary experiential learning, teacher training, after school opportunities, community based initiatives, and bridging the digital divide. For more information, visit www.EyesOnYourMission.org and www.TwoParrot.com.

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