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  • Written by Dr. LINDA SALVIN

I am a metaphysical clinician. I am a psychic, healer, and medium with an MPH in Public Health Epidemiology (big word today!) and a Ph.D. in Metaphysics. I started out in the public health field but after I survived a Boeing 737 commercial plane crash on February 17, 1981, at which time I had my first of three near-death experiences, I became a psychic. I ran for 12 years, denying the gift before I embraced it. During that time, my car was hit by a fire truck in 1982, at which time I had another out-of-body experience, elevating me to yet a higher level of psychic ability then in 1984, I totaled a car and had the white light experience. I was driving in Palms on a rainy night, totaled my car in an accident, and a white light literally went from the top of my head, through the ceiling of the car to the heavens and a voice said, “You can come with us now or stay and do…” and I was given a message. When the paramedics got me out of my car, I started yelling, “They want me off the planet, they want me off the planet!” I had no idea what was going on for those years and no one could help me understand. This was pre-internet. The net started for the average person in 1996… today, psychic, healing, near-death, out-of-body experiences and spiritual experiences are common subjects people search out and discuss more freely now.

Once I accepted the gift, I was working at Psychic Friends Network, with Dionne Warwick in 1992, and in 1994, I was chosen out of several psychics to do the nighttime drive on Los Angeles’ KBIG 104 FM. I was there for about 6 months when the creative director suggested I learn to host my own show. He taught me what to do and I spent the next 18 years on AM/FM/Cable radio and was ultimately in over 350 markets; I have been on TV talk shows, written up in books, interviewed on several radio shows, and appeared in a few movies. In 2005, I decided to return to school to earn my Ph.D. in Metaphysics to combine my scientific background with the spiritual ‘woo-woo’ to qualify and quantify the experiences, knowledge, and diagnostics I have to help people spiritually.

I became a psychic from the plane crash, a healer in 1991 after emergency surgery, and a medium after the removal of 100 tumors from hips and thighs. Each trauma elevated me. While on the air in 1999, I was trained in candle magic; I learned to further assist people spiritually and to help them get involved in their own alchemy. From there, I produced a TV Infomercial on my candle line, Wicks of Wisdom. I hired Kris Jenner as my show host; we filmed the show in 2006 and aired in 2008-09.

I recently built my own radio streaming system where I replay shows from the past and now have begun podcasting and YouTube to be out there like everyone. I avoided it for 13 years but succumbed to the digital world of broadcasting. It is quite a challenge after being on broadcast radio for so many years. My last FM show was on our local KLSX 97.1 FM but ended when talk radio went off the air in 2009. But, the great news is I am returning to broadcast radio on an FM station, here in Los Angeles that will also be streaming through their station and mine! I’m very excited about it.

I retired from my professional mediumship in 2018 after 22 years of communicating with the other side; I can still do it but I have moved further away from the paranormal and geared my career more clinical with a passion for integrative health and medicine. I am involved with assisting my clients with DNA nutrition and a few other cutting-edge products to improve health and well-being.

Preventative medicine was my passion in graduate school at the University of Michigan from 1975-77 and after all the changes, spiritual experiences, gifts to help people, and evolving with my product line, I have developed a name for myself against all odds. I had no clue what to do after the plane crash. I struggled for many years before it became clear to me what my purpose was to be. Here I am, 41 years later as a recognized psychic, healer, medium, and metaphysician, helping people open spiritually and direct them on their journey, a veteran radio talk show host, published many articles, and have a book coming out next year. I continue to find fulfillment in the work I do, have testimonials that still astound me, and am grateful to have literally been chosen by the other side, to help the people of the planet grow.

People think I have had an easy time. It has not been a smooth road at all. Is anyone’s road really smooth? We always assume the other person has it easier or is lucky to get what they have or achieve what they do. It is work, dedication, successes and failures, hopes and broken dreams with many disappointments. Highs and lows, promises from people that never materialized and backstabbing, misunderstanding of my gifts, attitude, and passion. I am not a fairy-tale reader; many people mistake my passion and direct delivery as being nasty, bitchy, and mean when really, I’m just conveying the messages from their spirit in a manner to drive home a point.

Many people are blocked spiritually and expect much more than they get at a certain moment. I have been berated and a year or two later, people return, apologize, tell me I was correct, they respect me or value my work. Financially, I have produced my own radio shows, booked the appointments, and done the readings myself these past few years; I did have a staff of 3-5 people at one point when at the height of my radio days. One of the biggest challenges I had on the air was to convince people that true psychic abilities do in fact exist. I worked endlessly to dispel the myths and distinguish my gift from the wanna-bees and charlatans. Gratefully, I have been compared to Edgar Cayce, the sleeping prophet, and Dr. Carl Jung, one of the metaphysical pioneers.

I often need to apologize as I am not one to coddle and nurture and hold hands at all times; each client is different; each soul has its own path and everyone has their own challenges; we are very much alike just dealing with situations with different views. My job is to shine the light on a path and help people watch for the boulders and avoid them. I love helping people understand true love, soulmates, twin souls, direction, career options, and successful ventures. I have fun with most people, using my humor and helping them lighten up. The challenge is the challenge dealing with so many varied individuals. I remember when one of my clients I helped through a difficult divorce and identified the new man she did marry, said to me, “You help strangers!” And, I do.

I don’t judge; we are all human; I’ve read people from the White House to the homeless. I feel many have tried to sabotage my efforts by leading me right to the next level of success or opportunity, only to close the door or disappear. I just keep doing what I do best, I have an amazing production team with support beyond belief and work with those who seek my services, heard me on a show, on YouTube, or came to me from referral. Work is work and we all have to make a living. Finding fulfillment is the key, regardless of the delays and pitfalls. I never give up. I keep the faith I am on the right path. Ultimately, though, I love working with people to help people become aware of their spirituality and place on the planet.

I specialize in personal readings, healings, and private sessions, offering candle magic options to enhance career, finances, legal health, luck, and love problems. I am psychic but draw from my preventative medicine education. I want people to know I am honest, work for the best of their highest good, that my candle magic line, Wicks of Wisdom is a combination of Santeria and Kabbalah, having been trained in both and that if people work with me, they will probably achieve their results and goals. I’m most proud of my brand of broadcasting, metaphysics, and candle line all in one.

I specialize in helping people grow, I work with a few doctors who refer their patients to me for more in-depth healing on a deeper level which I specialize in, and I offer private sessions by appointment only. I have lectured, taught seminars, and loved group events. In my earlier days before all this came together, I was performing my folk music around town and spent years on and off the comedy circuit. I understand the artist as well as the professional.

I often share my own experience to help someone understand they are not alone, different, or crazy in experiencing spiritual awakenings or activities. I do not see myself retiring; I travel and do what I enjoy in between my tremendous work schedule. So, why retire? I don’t think that is for me. Over the next few years, though, I hope to grow my candle line to a certain level, license my name and let someone else take over. I have more I’d like to do and pass the baton to someone who is spiritually inclined but business oriented with the vision I have and created to help people. I have removed the occult and made my line more mainstream.

I would love to take my gifts to television with my experience of 20 years on radio, now online, and my ability to drive home the spiritual movement in an intellectual yet entertaining manner. I would like to see my radio show which began in 1994, come alive to reach more people.

I love today’s market and the new generation is very open to spirituality, psychics, and metaphysics, just as they were 30 years ago only now, as I mentioned, the field is more accepted by mainstream personalities. Everyone is curious and many are skeptical. When I meet a skeptic, I ask why if they have yet to experience the gifts. Spiritual and healing arts are here to stay. People want fulfillment, balance, and harmony while struggling with the material world which often leaves the person empty. Everyone is searching. My job is to help them connect, perhaps release addictions and fill up a spiritual, not religious, understanding. I would like to suggest that people use caution when seeking psychic advice from some of the digital platforms where anyone can claim to do psychic or candle work; I know many who have been harmed or disappointed. I urge people to do their research before they seek the help of someone who may not be legitimate or authentic. I welcome anyone on their path and like a butterfly, which I see as a wink from the universe, help guide them on their journey.

Dr. Linda Salvin,

Metaphysical Clinician

Facebook: Linda Salvin

IG: psychicdrlinda

YouTube: Dr. Linda Salvin

Twitter: psychicdrlinda

Evolving from my earlier life as an epidemiologist and environmental health specialist to become a pioneer of “psychic radio, I have helped thousands of people via the airwaves and private practice. My life is proof that sometimes God and the universe have higher purposes for us than we can originally envision. I’ve been known throughout my career as the “#1 radio psychic” and also a “psychic’s psychic” who reads for others and helps people awaken to their gifts. Since earning my Ph.D in Metaphysics, I have fused my medical background and spiritual gifts as a metaphysical clinician, helping people with a unique approach that draws on science and spirit, the physical and esoteric.

I was not brought up in a religious Jewish household. I remember kneeling down at the side of my bed at around age 4 and my mom telling me to say my prayers. I did not understand the concept of God back then. I had a few past life recalls as a child. Around the same time I learned to pray, I remember one specific evening in Pacoima, CA, where I lived in the late 50s. My dad was pointing to the stars, showing me constellations. I remember thinking, “Here I am again,” as if I recognized the sky.

A year earlier, in January 1957, I was outside playing. Upon hearing a loud crash in the sky, I looked up to witness two planes collide in mid-air. Those planes killed two children on a junior high playground. It was the same plane crash which haunted Richie Valens until the day he died in a plane crash. I went into shock for about 9 months.

Fast forward to the mid-60s. One day while the family was in the car, I asked my dad what he thought God was. He pointed to a tree and said, “If you want that tree to be your God, that’s your God.” I could not put that together with the feelings I had inside, but made the best sense of it that I could. I was a rather defiant teenager and started to discover God every time I prayed when I was grounded. By the time I was in grad school at the University of Michigan, I knew something was lacking within me, but couldn’t pinpoint what I was searching for.

The road to my ultimate spiritual destiny began on February 17, 1981, when 24 years after witnessing two planes collide, I was in a much-publicized plane crash at John Wayne Airport in Orange County, California. I heard a voice. Ninety minutes prior to the crash, I had had a premonition of the exact spot the plane would crack in half - and felt 50 feet out of my body for over four months.

I was on company business when the plane crashed. The following year, my car was hit by a fire truck on my way to an interview in public health. I totaled my car and had the white light experience in 1984. The voice said, “You can come with now or stay and do…” I was given a message. I stayed. When the paramedics extracted me, I screamed, “They want me off the planet, they want me off the planet!” and drove me to UCLA ER. No one understood my insights, pleas or experiences back then.

I was lost for several years after the accident - but once I began to trust some force, process, light, experience, and watch for the synchronicity and rhythm of the universe, I knew I’d found God. I let go and allowed things to unfold. Once I stopped trying to control everything and began to understand the will of God vs .my own self-centered will, I experienced some amazing revelations

I became psychic after the plane crash. My mind, heart and soul opened in ways which both frightened and intrigued me. I had no one to talk to about this. When I told the shrink at UCLA that I felt God put me on that plane, I distinctly remember him asking me what God had to do with it. My inner response was, EVERYTHING. I felt in tune with the depth of feelings, realizations, how events occur and watching for a master plan, much like Dr. Carl Jung wrote about.

I stopped running after 12 years of becoming psychic and doors began to open for me on radio and TV, where I created a career helping people spiritually. As time went on, I prayed, sought, watched, cried, was frustrated, and embraced an energy and faith I never knew. This was not just intuition. I was not just a psychic. I was being initiated by the other side to help people here on earth. I have no idea why I was chosen. I have insight and wisdom from somewhere I never studied or sought. It simply channeled through me.

When my aunt was dying of cancer in 1996, she said she’d toss pinecones to prove she was ok. Returning to her apartment morning after she died, I heard her say, “There are pinecones”. I searched the grounds of her complex. There were no pine trees. Just before I reached her building, I spotted three small pinecones on the ground…one for my two cousins and myself. Prior to leaving my house to meet the family, my keychain broke. I had an “Infiniti” symbol on my chain. I drove a 1999 Infiniti and she had a 2000. That key chain had never fallen apart. It did that morning. The pinecones and key chain were a message that she was ok on the other side.

My life since the plane crash 39 years ago is full of coincidences, acts of God, miracles and messages. I believe we are all a part of the big spirit in the sky. We all walk in unison if we just stop, watch and observe. This is not about religion. That’s man made. Spirituality just is…The birds, trees, people, stars and energy…it’s all about Love.

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