Are animals smart? From dolphin language to toolmaking crows, lots of species have obvious intelligence
- Written by Leticia Fanucchi, Clinical Assistant Professor of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Oklahoma State University

Animals may not remember every experience – neither do people – but they do recall things critical to their survival. For example, birds know where they stored food[13]. Monkeys know the presence of a predator[14].
Scientists once thought tool use was an exclusively human ability, but that’s not so. Chimpanzees use sticks to catch termites[15] and stones to crack nuts open[16]. Crows can even manufacture tools[17]. By bending a wire, they can make a hook to retrieve a food reward that’s otherwise out of reach.
Researchers presented eight captive brown bears with this food challenge[18]: Three objects – a large log, a small log and a box – were placed in an outdoor enclosure. A food reward was suspended above them. Six of the eight bears were able to move the logs and box into positions that enabled them to fetch the reward. Essentially, they used the three objects as tools.
Chimps use gestures and facial expressions to communicate.Dolphin, chimpanzee communication
Language is another measure of intelligence. People, of course, have enormously sophisticated communication skills. But dolphins have complex dialects[19] in the form of crackles, squeaks and whistles. Many researchers say the noises are a language[20]. Chimpanzees and gorillas have used sign language to express emotions and ask for things[21] from people.
Self-awareness – the ability to recognize yourself as an individual – signals intelligence. Babies don’t recognize themselves in the mirror until they are about a year and a half old[22]. Up until then, they probably think the mirror image they see is another baby.
Many other species, including dolphins, ravens and elephants, recognize themselves in the mirror. Researchers put a red dye mark on chimpanzees under anesthesia; once awake, the chimps saw their reflection in a mirror. Instead of touching the red mark on their reflection in the glass, they touched the red mark on themselves[23], indicating self-recognition.
Just because animals can’t do certain things, it doesn’t mean they’re unintelligent. After all, humans can’t fly like a bird or swim like a fish. Nor is there a need for us to have the incredible sense of smell a dog has[24]. We’d be sniffing hundreds of different smells from miles away – the scents from perfumes and pollution, gardens and garbage. From an evolutionary standpoint, that wouldn’t help us much. Plus, we’d get sick of it very quickly.
But all animals, including humans, have developed a wide range of capabilities so they can succeed in the environment they live in. Put simply, we’re all using our brains. Now that’s intelligent.
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And since curiosity has no age limit – adults, let us know what you’re wondering, too. We won’t be able to answer every question, but we will do our best.
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- ^ presence of a predator (
- ^ sticks to catch termites (
- ^ stones to crack nuts open (
- ^ manufacture tools (
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- ^ have complex dialects (
- ^ noises are a language (
- ^ express emotions and ask for things (
- ^ about a year and a half old (
- ^ touched the red mark on themselves (
- ^ incredible sense of smell a dog has (
- ^ (
Authors: Leticia Fanucchi, Clinical Assistant Professor of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Oklahoma State University