Engineering the social: Students in this course use systems thinking to help solve human rights, disease and homelessness
- Written by Raúl Ordóñez, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Dayton

Students use simulation software to model systems such as disease epidemics, the viral spread of ideas, the tragedy of the commons[6] and homelessness, among others.
Importantly, they learn that some social phenomena can be methodically studied and engineered, in a quantifiable manner. For example, they can use numbers and data to experiment and evaluate how introducing vaccines affects disease spread.
By the end of the course, students gain a deeper understanding of the connection between engineering principles and tools and human rights and society.
Why is this course relevant now?
This course helps bridge the gap between engineering and social sciences by bringing concepts from human rights and social justice to engineering students. It teaches them how the powerful engineering tools they learn throughout the engineering curriculum can directly serve the common good.
What’s a critical lesson from the course?
The course is a concrete step toward teaching engineering and science students that engineering has more to offer to society than its direct applications. Students learn that a partnership between the humanities and engineering is not only possible but strongly desirable for the advancement of the common good.
What materials does the course feature?
There is no one textbook that deals with all the topics in this course, although the book “Humanitarian Engineering: Advancing Technology for Sustainable Development[7],” third edition, by Kevin M. Passino, is a very useful resource. I have mostly developed my own materials, including my set of lecture notes, projects and numerical simulation code.
Many engineers use tools in engineering to help people and communities.What will the course prepare students to do?
The course aims to prepare students to apply common engineering tools such as differential equations, signals and systems, systems analysis, mathematical models and numerical simulation to the analysis of social problems, with an emphasis on human rights implications.
It also introduces social modeling as a powerful method for understanding social issues and assessing how various policies affect human rights.
My goal is to produce engineering students who can meaningfully contribute to policymaking by using engineering tools to assess the consequences of social and economic policies.
- ^ Uncommon Courses (
- ^ As a control systems researcher (
- ^ behave in some desired manner (
- ^ analysis and design tools (
- ^ systems theory concepts (
- ^ tragedy of the commons (
- ^ Humanitarian Engineering: Advancing Technology for Sustainable Development (
Authors: Raúl Ordóñez, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Dayton