A solution to America's K-12 STEM teacher shortage: Endowed chairs
- Written by Gerard Robinson, Professor of Practice in Public Policy and Law, University of Virginia

Ever since the Soviet Union launched Sputnik into orbit on Oct. 4, 1957, America has been struggling to recruit and retain STEM teachers in its public middle and high schools.
In the 2017-2018 school year, approximately 100,000 teacher jobs in STEM – or science, technology, engineering and mathematics – went unfilled at the high school level[1]. At the middle school level, there were about 150,000 unfilled STEM educator jobs[2].
The situation has been getting progressively worse over the past decade[3] or so. For instance, in the 2011-2012 school year, 19% of public schools were unable to fill a teaching position for biology or life sciences. By the 2020-2021 school year, that number had grown to 31%. The situation was similar for other subjects, going from 19% to 32% for mathematics, and 26% to 47% for physical sciences, such as physics, geology and engineering.
Science shortages were a problem even before Sputnik, but the launch served as a wake-up call. Three months afterward, President Dwight D. Eisenhower stated during his Special Message to the Congress on Education[4] that federal action was necessary to educate more science and mathematics teachers.
As a professor of education policy[5] – and also as a former state secretary of education in Virginia[6] – I have examined the STEM teacher shortage from multiple vantage points. In a September 2023 policy paper, a colleague and I recommend that in order to solve America’s STEM educator shortage, elected officials and education leaders should adopt something that is widely used in higher education – an endowed chair position for STEM teachers[7].
We think endowed chairs have the potential to retain and attract more STEM educators at the K-12 level, but it requires a willingness to rethink the ways that schools employ STEM educators.
What’s behind the gap?
Two factors contribute to so many unfilled vacancies in STEM education:
1. There are fewer college students graduating with a bachelor’s degree in education that ever before.
Between 1959-1976, bachelor’s degrees in education were the most popular college major[8] in the United States, and they accounted for about 20% of all degrees. Between 1975-2021, the percentage of students majoring in education fell from 17% to 4%[9].
2. STEM graduates can earn more money outside of education.
When STEM majors go into a STEM career, they will earn, on average, US$101,100[10]. When STEM graduates become a math, computer science or science teacher, they will earn, on average, only a fraction of that amount – roughly $60,000[11].
This salary gap between STEM professionals and STEM educators is what is known as the STEM teacher “wage penalty[12].”
According to a national survey of teacher salaries in 2017-18, average teacher salaries never exceeded $100,000,[13], regardless of years of experience.
But this only tells a portion of the STEM teacher salary story. In 2021, K-12 teachers’ weekly salary was only $1,348[14] – about $660 less than the $2,009 earned weekly by other college graduates.
Prior efforts to close the gap
Since developing a strong STEM workforce is vital to the nation’s security and economic well-being, several U.S. presidents have used their position to advance a STEM education agenda.
For example, when the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, Eisenhower and Congress came to realize[15] that the nation needed to focus on what takes place in the classroom space – not just outer space.
The Senate and House passed the National Defense Education Act of 1958[16], and Eisenhower signed it into law on Sept. 2, 1958.
This set in motion a national STEM education agenda[17] for American colleges and K-12 schools for decades to come.
Fifty-three years later, President Barack Obama utilized his 2011 State of the Union address[18] to advance the national STEM agenda. “This is our generation’s Sputnik moment,” he said. “And over the next 10 years, with so many baby boomers retiring from our classrooms, we want to prepare 100,000 new teachers in the fields of science and technology and engineering and math.”
Through the leadership of 100Kin10, now named Beyond100K[19], the initiative exceeded the goal in 2021[20].
But the goal of the 100,000 STEM teacher campaign[21] was to narrow the gap, not end it.
A shortage of STEM teachers remains. According to a survey of 53 states and territories, 39 states, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands had teacher vacancies in all subjects[22], STEM disciplines included, as of Feb 9, 2023. One additional reason for the current shortage is that public schools lost approximately 7% of their teachers[23] – 233,000 instructors – between 2019-2021, which included STEM teachers.
Currently, President Joe Biden is promoting STEM education programs for teachers[24], the Department of Education has dedicated $120 billion to support STEM[25], and the National Science Foundation is supporting teacher fellowships[26].
The endowed chair as a potential solution
Federal investments in programs and fellowships to produce more STEM teachers are good. But those alone will not be enough to retain and attract the quality STEM educators we need.
That’s why a colleague and I recommend endowed chairs[27] for K-12 educators.
Traditionally, an endowed chair is a prestigious faculty position[28] funded through annual spending from a university’s endowment fund.
The interest earned on the endowment will partially or fully fund the salary of the position for as long as the university exists. Endowed chairs are awarded to those who are the best in their field[29].
The benefit of an endowed chair is that it will be paid for decades to come by the interest on investment. In our paper, we suggest that K-12 schools could use endowed chairs to support a K-12 STEM teacher’s salary, benefits and professional development, all the while saving money for the district and state.
If structured right, the interest on the endowment will pay a teacher’s salary and benefits, something the district would subsequently not have to pay. The endowment can be used to purchase STEM supplies. The money saved by the district can be used to invest in another teacher. The money could come from private individuals, corporations or foundations.
An endowed chair could also provide funding for teachers and students to have access to state-of-the-art learning technology. As part of the endowed chair contract, a teacher can participate in a fully paid externship at a STEM-focused public or private sector company during the summer months. The goal would be to bring to the classroom the experiences and insights the teacher learned from the externship.
An endowed STEM chair salary may never outpace what educators could earn if they entered the private market. But it can potentially help elevate their position and, perhaps, enable educators to make a salary that would be higher than what it would otherwise be.
- ^ approximately 100,000 teacher jobs in STEM – or science, technology, engineering and mathematics – went unfilled at the high school level (pubs.aip.org)
- ^ 150,000 unfilled STEM educator jobs (pubs.aip.org)
- ^ progressively worse over the past decade (nces.ed.gov)
- ^ Special Message to the Congress on Education (www.presidency.ucsb.edu)
- ^ professor of education policy (batten.virginia.edu)
- ^ former state secretary of education in Virginia (iasculture.org)
- ^ adopt something that is widely used in higher education – an endowed chair position for STEM teachers (pioneerinstitute.org)
- ^ most popular college major (nces.ed.gov)
- ^ fell from 17% to 4% (www.cbsnews.com)
- ^ they will earn, on average, US$101,100 (www.census.gov)
- ^ only a fraction of that amount – roughly $60,000 (nces.ed.gov)
- ^ wage penalty (www.brookings.edu)
- ^ average teacher salaries never exceeded $100,000, (nces.ed.gov)
- ^ K-12 teachers’ weekly salary was only $1,348 (www.epi.org)
- ^ came to realize (www.presidency.ucsb.edu)
- ^ National Defense Education Act of 1958 (history.house.gov)
- ^ national STEM education agenda (www.senate.gov)
- ^ 2011 State of the Union address (www.presidency.ucsb.edu)
- ^ Beyond100K (beyond100k.org)
- ^ exceeded the goal in 2021 (100kin10-files.s3.amazonaws.com)
- ^ goal of the 100,000 STEM teacher campaign (www.edweek.org)
- ^ teacher vacancies in all subjects (abcnews.go.com)
- ^ lost approximately 7% of their teachers (www.gao.gov)
- ^ promoting STEM education programs for teachers (www.whitehouse.gov)
- ^ $120 billion to support STEM (www.ed.gov)
- ^ supporting teacher fellowships (new.nsf.gov)
- ^ recommend endowed chairs (pioneerinstitute.org)
- ^ prestigious faculty position (www.insidehighered.com)
- ^ awarded to those who are the best in their field (www.insidehighered.com)
Authors: Gerard Robinson, Professor of Practice in Public Policy and Law, University of Virginia
Read more https://theconversation.com/a-solution-to-americas-k-12-stem-teacher-shortage-endowed-chairs-214436