How can you tell if something is true? Here are 3 questions to ask yourself about what you see, hear and read
- Written by Bob Britten, Teaching Associate Professor of Media, West Virginia University

What’s the evidence?
Evidence is what you show when someone says “prove it!” It’s the details that support what a source is saying.
Primary sources – people or groups who are directly involved with the information – are best. If you want to learn about the release of a new game, the company’s official accounts or channels would be primary sources.
Secondary sources are one step removed – for example, news stories based on primary sources. They aren’t as strong as primary sources but are still useful. For example, most news on gaming site IGN[11] is based on information from game company sources, so it’s a good secondary source.
Can a blogger or YouTuber be a secondary source? If their claims start by referencing primary sources like “Electronic Arts says,” that’s good. But if they start with “I think” or “There’s a lot of buzz,” be careful.
Do you want to believe it?
Emotions can get in the way of knowing what’s true. Messages that make you feel strong emotions – especially ones that are funny or make you angry – are the most important ones to check, but they’re also the hardest to ignore[12].
Advertisers know this. Many ads try to be funny or make the things they’re selling look cool because they want you to focus on how you feel rather than what you think. And being older doesn’t mean you’re automatically better at spotting false information: 41% of 18-to-34-year-olds and 44% of adults 65 and older admitted to having fallen for a fake news story[13] in a 2018 study. Other research showed adults over 65 were seven times as likely to share articles from fake sites[14] as younger people were.
So if you’ve been eagerly waiting for that new game, and somebody posts a video that says it’s coming out early, your wanting it to be true can make you ignore your common sense – leaving you open to being fooled.
The best question you can ask yourself when you’re thinking about a message is, “Do I want to believe this?” If the answer is yes, it’s a good sign you should slow down and check the source and evidence more closely.
Hello, curious kids! Do you have a question you’d like an expert to answer? Ask an adult to send your question to[15]. Please tell us your name, age and the city where you live.
And since curiosity has no age limit – adults, let us know what you’re wondering, too. We won’t be able to answer every question, but we will do our best.
- ^ Curious Kids (
- ^ (
- ^ widely shared after Hurricane Harvey (
- ^ Snopes found it circulating as far back as 2011 (
- ^ I teach media literacy (
- ^ information you get in the messages you receive via media (
- ^ actually having knowledge (
- ^ lists of known fake sites (
- ^ other fact-checking resources (
- ^ imtmphoto/iStock/Getty Images Plus (
- ^ gaming site IGN (
- ^ they’re also the hardest to ignore (
- ^ admitted to having fallen for a fake news story (
- ^ share articles from fake sites (
- ^ (
Authors: Bob Britten, Teaching Associate Professor of Media, West Virginia University