Tips for keeping your household clean
- Written by News Company

We all know that a seemingly quotidian thing like cleaning one’s house is more than just a chore to be dealt with. That’s because the tidiness and organization of the things around us correspond with our larger sense of discipline and lifestyle. The cleanliness that partakes in the objects surrounding us becomes an extension of our pristine interiors, our sense of calmness and comfort – at least that’s how the most organized of us feel when it comes to keeping the place we inhabit as tidy as possible. Be that as it may, for all of our love of clean spaces and organized objects, we oftentimes cannot help but crinkle an expression of worrisome thought, “how does one maintain a house as clean as much, such that when one randomly lifts any mug or a jug there’s not even an imprint of dust?”
A thought like that surely pervades…
And before the curtains get smudged, and the plants deflowered in a vase, here are some tips to keep your household clean and best:
Keep an eye on any possible mess
Possibly one of the most demanding tips to abide by. Sure, it’s a hard job looking after every piece of a mess that might turn up, but, well we are people and we live by making a mess (both in the literal and figurative sense). Facilitate your house with sanitary bins for more prompt recycling of small garbage. It gets even more difficult when there are small children about. Either inspire or fool your children than into playing games like whoever will clean this or that, will get this or that, and when they are done, don’t be mean and be generous enough to give some candy as a prize. This will inspire them more to collaborate with you in your cleaning mission. Similarly, keep a stringent eye on adults as well. Oftentimes children are largely blamed for making the mess in the house, when, in fact, it is adults who have been lazing around. That being said, if you’ll keep to a consistent attitude, after a certain period of time, everybody in your family will acclimate to a tidy behaviour ever so convenient with your day to day cleaning. Chances are you’ll soon notice a cheerful atmosphere around.
There is a place for everything
Sometimes we can easily adapt an excessively laid back attitude towards our house. Conflating living room with dining, and kitchen with the laundry area. This will turn your house into a nightmare for someone who claims to be on a mission of having the cleanest house on the planet. While no one is prompting paranoia here, you should know that there is a place for everything. Don’t eat in the living room, and if you do, be careful lest the crumbs from your food might stain the floor. Similarly, just because it’s a kitchen doesn’t mean you have to treat rough, give it a shine with scrub, not with the one which you used on your bathroom tub. Such will give gateway to dirt. Have a scrub separately laid out for kitchen’s space and remember your doorway area is no exception to that. Be a little generous, take out that purse and buy a new broom if the old one is worn out. In short, you’ll have to be very disciplined about your attitude.
Everything has its place
This is the inside-out take on the above tip. While you need to know what place you use for which purpose, you also need to know what thing needs to occupy that place. A house can seem like a chaotic place, if unorganized, and might take forever to maintain the clean look you want. Despite the fact that you have rubbed the floor right, made the bed tonight, rearranged the laundry to some spot unseen, and even swiped the dirty dishes clean, and yet your house feels untidy, probably because you have yet to assign everything to its place. Organization and arrangement are mains keys for a clean house That’s because the more properly placed everything in your house will be, the more remote and lesser space they’ll take. This will give the interiors of your house much expansive look, and expansive, by its essence, is cleaner than what’s congested and muddled up. The arrangement gives symmetry to all the objects of your house. The alignment of the fridge against the kitchen cupboard should be parallel, just as tv in your living room should face the couch directly. These are commonsensical things and thus can be taken for granted. What cannot be taken for granted is that don’t let things such as clothes, utensils, or even some other laying around the house. There is a place for them, so always try keeping them there.
Take care of the walls
A well-known architect Mr Louis Kahn once said that “The sun never knew how wonderful it was until it fell on the wall of a building”. Junichiro Tanizaki, in his essay on aesthetics named In Praise of Shadows. As much as the walls on the exteriors of your house matter, the interiors are just as important to be kept clean. The walls of your house largely tend to align with its overall picture, so they should be your first priority when comes to maintaining cleanliness. Make sure to have them repainted if the old paint is wearing out. In fact, have your walls painted by colours that don’t attract smudges or any other similar spots. Children tend to write on walls, which can be a very detrimental thing. Make sure that you inspire them to use paper or sheets, and let them draw their habits out on them so that your walls are kept uncoloured by any scribble. Also, be careful when it comes to posting something via a nail, which can very well lead to an ugly hole. Even planting of dirty hands will reveal shades, that however transparent, will nevertheless smudge and be noticeable from the distance. For all of the occasional care they require, walls are very crucial in determining how clean your house looks.
Keeping one’s household clean can be a very demanding job, and sometimes it can wear oneself out, but all of these tips above serve as a quintessential remedy and will help maintain the overall cleanliness of your place. It’s a healthy exercise, as much as an aesthetic one. There is always something poetic about a house that is not marred by any dirt and is in complete harmony with an arrangement of the objects within. Try as one might, one cannot help but be drawn to the idea that there is a slight rhythm to its immaculateness. Such are subtle but ever so effective virtues of a house kept clean.