Business Success


  • Written by Eric North aka “The Happiness Warrior”

Words have a magical power. They can either bring the greatest happiness or the deepest despair.” --Sigmund Freud

WORDS HAVE THE POWER TO CREATE MAGIC—Change your words and change your life!

As the Happiness Warrior, I want to help you understand the transformative power of how words you say and (even your inner thoughts) can help you create the life that you deserve and dream about. By learning to respect and carefully use your words, you’ll have the power to live a happier and more rewarding life. No weapon is more powerful than words because words have the capacity to both create and destroy. Something we might have said carelessly or in anger twenty years ago can still cause hurt and confusion today. Once a word is said it never goes away. “Words live forever”.

In Japan, there’s an ancient philosophy called “Kotodama” which applies magical powers to words and names. Roughly translated to English as “soul of language” or as a Japanese friend recently explained to me, “words have spirit”. Using words wisely and thinking about their impact on yourself and others will help you to create a happier life with a much less emotional pain, greater personal growth, better opportunities, and a more balanced/optimal way of life. Learning to choose the right words and know how to use them effectively is one of life’s great lessons.

By understanding that your words do have spirit, you’ll be better able to understand the power that your words have on your own life and the powerful impact that your words can have on the lives of others. By choosing your words with intention, you will create a life with less stress, less drama, better mental health, better physical health, happier life balance, better outcomes, and stronger relationships.

One of the first things to do is to create a healthier mental state by removing all self-defeating phrases and words from your thoughts and vocabulary:

  1. “I hope to” – Hoping never got anyone anywhere and it gives you an excuse for inaction or failure. Instead say “I’m doing this” and take action. Action will create momentum.

  2. “I don’t have time” – Instead say “I’ll find the time” and make a plan to begin. Saying that you don’t have time is usually comes from an irrational fear and you’ll never move forward.

  3. “It’s too hard” – If something sounds hard at first, take a step back and think about how much it would mean to you to get this accomplished. Think about what you’re good at doing and come back to it with confidence

  4. “I’m bored“ - Boredom is a sign of a restless mind. Open yourself up to new opportunities

  5. “I hate everyone today” – take a deep breath and ask yourself if this is going to give you the life you deserve?

  6. “I don’t like people” – Another fear-based statement that creates a negative loop. How are you people going to like you with this attitude?

  7. “I’m not good enough” – This usually comes from listening to other people tell you what you can and cannot do. Remove those people from your life or give them less power.

  8. “I’m not attractive enough” – We don’t see ourselves as others view us. Think about what makes you special and use your innate gifts to create a better picture of yourself, others will see this as well.

Try using these instead:

  1. “I’m doing this” (already started and begun the process), small steps provide big results

  2. I found the time to do this; it matters to me

  3. This is challenging, but I’m learning how. I feel like I’m accomplishing something

  4. I learn something new every day

  5. I try to say something pleasant to everyone

  6. When I’m happy and friendly my day goes better

  7. I’m really good at doing this and I know I can learn to do anything

  8. I’m amazing and I feel good about who I am


Sometimes words have meanings that get distorted or are translated badly when retold. Something that was said without much thought or care can come back and create unnecessary pain and confusion. Words and context evolve.


Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs”—Pearl StrachanHurd

Words can hurt and words can destroy. Words can be used to control, to manipulate, and shame. These are the words that come back to haunt us and ultimately cause us much pain as well. Words start as thoughts, thoughts become words, and works create an outcome. Passive-aggressive people are usually unhappy. Understanding how to identify them will help you to avoid unearned negativity in your life.

Things passive aggressive people say:

  • It was just a joke”

  • Why are you overreacting?”

  • Why are you so upset?”

  • Let’s go to lunch sometime”

  • Thanks in advance”

  • You’re so fussy” or “You’re so demanding”

  • Smile!”

  • I didn’t realize you were in such a hurry”

  • Whatever”

  • I thought you’d been told”

  • You know how I am”

  • You did your best with what you have”

  • Never mind, you won’t understand”


If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them more closely. If we understood the awesome power of our words, we would prefer silence to almost anything negative. In our thoughts and words, we create our own weaknesses and our own strengths. Our limitations and joys begin in our hearts. We can always replace negative with positive." -Betty Eadie

Choose words that have power in their intention: These are words that can help you create the life that you deserve, keep you moving forward, and are good for your spirit: Passionate, Transforming, Wellness, Worthy, Radiance, Renewal, Thriving, Purposeful. Exuberant, Energetic, Brilliance, Abundance, Align, Visionary, Luminous, Creativity, Discovery, Results, Love, Release, Peaceful, Growth, Imagination, Courageous, Serendipity, Grace, Harmonious, Visualize, Clarity, Focus, Persistence, Service, Philanthropy, Faith, Outrageous, Prosperity, Insightful, Unlimited, Unleash, Results, Uncover, Solutions, Quality, Power/Powerful, Compelling, Exciting, Accomplish, Instantaneous, Worthwhile, Succulent


Kind words are a creative force, a power that concurs in the building up of all that is good, and energy that showers blessings upon the world." -Lawrence G. Lovasik

Happy people use words that make themselves happy and help others to feel happy. How many times have you heard someone tell you that a kind word said earlier that day made all the difference?

Things that you can say to make people happy:

  • “I’m happy to see you” or “I’m always happy to see you”

  • “Remember when you…”

  • “You might not realize this, but…”

  • “You’re really great”

  • “I believe in you”

  • “Look how far you’ve come”

  • “I’m interested in your thoughts”

  • “I listened to your suggestion”

  • “I apologize”

  • “I’d like to be more like you”

  • “Thank you”

  • “You inspire me”

  • “You’re welcome”

  • “I know you’re capable of more”

  • “Good Morning”

  • “I love you”

Choose your words wisely, choose kindness and understanding over anger, and always remember that the words you use tell us who you are. If all else fails, use these words of wisdom to guide you: If you have nothing nice to say its better to say nothing at all”.

Instagram @TheHappinessWarrior1
Twitter The Happiness Warrior @ericlnorth1

Eric North The Happiness Warrior

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