Business Success


  • Written by Eric North aka “The Happiness Warrior”

As The Happiness Warrior, I believe that everyone deserves the chance to live a happy and fulfilled life. It’s a viewpoint that is shared by many and one that is increasingly becoming a global objective and marker for quality of life. Happiness is a basic human right not just for ourselves but everyone in the world around us.

Circumstances can make happiness more challenging for many of us, but even in our darkest moments there’s always a light leading our way forward. There’s a spark of happiness lying dormant just waiting to be ignited. The energy of the universe is waiting before us and happiness is the way to set our lives right and move forward. When things are at their point we can pick up the pieces and learn to set our lives on a more fulfilling and happier path.

Someone once told me that I had a genetic disposition to set things right. Until then, I had never given it much thought. I’ve always believed that there are always helpers ready to act in any situation. There’s always someone who cares even when we feel our most alone and unloved. It’s embedded in the fiber of my being and something that I’ve never questioned.

As much as I’ve hurt myself in the chapters of my past I’ve always had the ability to figure things out and set myself back on course. I use my voice and actions to help. I use affirmations for self-empowerment and motivation.

Self-discipline is the key to all of our good behaviors. Attitude Is everything and ours alone to choose.

I believe that happiness comes from within and all of us have the power to bring more of it into our lives. The tools for creating greater happiness and setting our lives right are found within all of us. As humans we have innate powers that give us the choice to select the attitude and mindset that we want to use in life. We can listen to our inner voice and believe in ourselves to find our superpowers. We can set our lives right at any time by our own choosing. We can forgive, accept, and move on the lives we envision. The tools that we need to find our happiness are always found within. We have a given right to choose our attitude, mindset, and value. All of us have the power within our spirit and intention to set our lives right. The life we should all be living is filled with gratitude and connection.


We must visualize as humans who we want to be and go forward in life with our mindset focused on our intention. Without a doubt we can leave a more powerful and purposeful life when we learn to leave a gentler path. We can atone for our past by our current actions and innermost thoughts. We can be kind and encouraging for everyone we encounter. The choice is ours to be our best. We can create the life journey of dreams starting in the present when we choose to make things right in our lives.

The ability to set ourselves right might be genetic for some of us. Otherwise, how are leaders born?

For most of us it comes from inspiration by great teachers and mentors in our lives. However, it chooses to manifest, we can find our purpose in helping others when it’s most needed. Gratitude is the key to raising our spirit and corresponding vibration.

We all know the feeling of life on the other side where pain and emotional suffering are normalized. I know what it feels like to feel alone, trapped, and fighting to live in my truth. I know firsthand the unimaginable pain that comes from an abusive relationship.

No matter how difficult the road behind us, we can't let it define us. We grow and learn and realize that our experiences have guided us. Regret, guilt, and shame have no place in our lives. Only the present and what we are doing with our lives at this moment matters.

No matter how positive our nature our how fortunate our circumstances life is always going to be a bumpy road. It’s harder for those who are striving for equality and remain unheard.

As hard as we might try, it’s difficult to avoid all of life’s traps and pitfalls. We can inevitably find ourselves humbled and confused at any time in our life in the blink of an eye. With just one careless step our path can alter.

I’ve always felt that as humans our authenticities and truth are often kept in hiding. It’s all too easy to succumb to conformity when we’re always hammered by dogma and doctrine. It’s a way to control us and a cycle that needs to be broken. It’s the old way of life that never served us. It’s time for a new mindset and attitude to provide happier lives and more connection. We can stop living in this self-imposed fear zone as soon as we understand that it has no meaning. Reinvention and a broadened perspective for life is all we need to create the lives we deserve and desire. We can be happier in our intentions and purposeful in our actions. Gratitude and greater happiness is the end result.


Too often we approach suffering with a sense of unease and panic in our minds. We don’t think we’re brave or strong enough and shrink away from fear of the unknown. We hide and try to dodge life’s realities and always make things more difficult. We might feel we are at war with ourselves at times. It’s normal and it’s part of the process of growth and forgiveness.

I’ve always felt that the best way to face an adverse event or person is to keep our heads up and move forward directly with calm and fortitude. Avoidance is a poison for our spirit and self-esteem.

It’s amazing how enlightening it can be when we face our challenges and show up for our lives. We learn, we grow stronger, and wisdom is gained. There’s never a downside to holding strong and believing in our personal values. Be truthful and never have to remember what you said. The truth is real and will always haunt us.

-          Approach suffering with a sense of curiosity, openness, and acceptance.

-          We only heal from suffering when we experience it fully while engaged with our emotions.

-          From the deepest darkest depths, we can find the other side and turn towards happiness.

-          We can learn and become stronger and able to adapt to any circumstance.

-          We thrive from the pain when we understand how much we gain from it.


When we’re feeling down it’s natural to feel bad about ourselves without any reason. It’s easy to be our own worst enemy but why not be our own best friend?

When it feels hopeless, and we’re stuck on feeling sad, think of three good things in your life that make you happy and feel like smiling. Latch on to these good things and use them for inspiration and perspective. These are truths that we cannot hide from. Give yourself permission to be happy and break the hopeless cycle. Know that greatness comes from suffering and pain. Attitude and mindset are ours alone to choose and accept. These are tools that will guide us. Cultivate these for yourself and watch your life rise with more happiness:

-          Give yourself a daily affirmation. Simple is best and make it your mantra.

-          Develop perspective and wisdom with empathy and compassion.

-          Cultivate a sense of contentment and balance in life.


Healing comes from letting things go and learning to bend and flow with the universe. No one can hurt us unless we allow them to cause us harm. Words and feelings can overwhelm us at times until we are strong in our spirit and realize that they are meaningless. Face the world head on and shatter all obstacles with strength and forbearance. Be a warrior for happiness and not that your truth is found within your spirit.


We all have the power to shape and create the life that we desire. If feeling stuck or unfilled it helps to reflect on our mindset and beliefs. How are they serving our lives or holding us back? Does it feel like we’ve reached our potential or have a long way to go?

1.       Let go of self-limiting beliefs. We are all smart enough and capable enough if sufficiently motivated and aligned with our intention.

2.       Start listening more to intuition and less to emotions. Let’s ask ourselves what we’re really feeling rather than succumb to knee jerk reactions.

3.       Learn to flow with the universe and be ready to bend and flow with abrupt changes. We can’t control everything, but we can control our behavior and reactions.

4.       Dropping expectations is like lifting a big weight from our shoulders. Let others reveal their truths and remove disappointment and expectation from your needs.

5.       Self-awareness is a superpower. We gain perspective when we are authentic with ourselves. Validation from others is nothing more than a weak promise to ourselves. We are happiest when we find approval from within ourselves!

There’s a mantra that I say to myself all the time when I feel confused or stressed. It’s easy and the words have spirit and truth. It connects me to the universe and makes me feel like I can set anything right. No wiser words have ever been spoken.

“I’m flexible and I easily bend, all is well” –Louise Hayes

All will be well when we are at peace with ourselves. We are never broken but we are always healing.

Eric North The Happiness Warrior

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